Math 262 – Calculus II

Reflection Paper 3

Due: Monday, December 7th


 Please use this last paper to reflect on the course as a whole:


  1. What things did you like about how this class was taught?
  2. What, if anything, should I change the next time I teach this course?
  3. How was the workload for this course? Was there enough work?  Was there too much work?
  4. Did you find the labs helpful in learning course material?  What changes, if any, should be made to the labs?  Would it be better to just collect homework?
  5. Should I continue to give writing assignments to my students next semester?


Your paper should be typed and at least 1 page in length (double spaced with standard margins).  Make sure to put a title block including your name, course number, section number, and “Reflection Paper 3” at the top of the page.  Your paper must be turned in to me no later than 4:30pm on Monday.



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