Course Information

FYE 101: First Year Experience – Section 08, Fall 2010

1 Credit: F 1:30p.m. – 2:20p.m. MacLean Room 164


Textbook: Focus on College Success, 2nd ed., by Staley, C. – Wadsworth Cengage Learning  Pub.

Learning Community Reading: “Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!”Feynman, R. and Leighhton, R.


Instructor: Justin James, Mathematics Department           

Office: MacLean 375M             Office Phone:            477-4011            

Office Hours:              MTWRF      9:30 – 10:20am              Email:

TR                12:30 –   2:20pm            Webpage:

                        W                  1:30   2:20pm

Other Times by Appointment


Course Description:  FYE is a course designed to help you get the most out of your college experience.  Although FYE is not structured in the same way as a traditional academic course you will need to complete specific course requirements in order to accumulate enough points to earn a passing grade.


Required Supplies: textbook, learning community reading text


Instructional Strategies:  Lecture, discussion, small group work, projects and activities


Attendance and Academic Expectations:  You are expected to attend class regularly and on time.  After your first absence, your course grade will be lowered by 2% for each additional unexcused absence this semester.  You are expected to complete the course readings prior to each class meeting.


Course Requirements: Grading will be based upon:  attendance, class participation, completion of all required class activities and assignments, and completion of all required Passports and the Technology assignment.


Reflection Papers:  In these short writing assignments, you will be asked to write a paper related to that week’s theme topic.  These papers must be typed (double spaced with standard margins).   These informal papers are graded mainly on how well they address the assigned topic(s), but you should write in complete sentences and express your thoughts clearly.  Each reflection paper will contribute 10 points toward your final grade.


Learning Community Reading Assignment:  By now, each of you should have received a copy of the book: “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!”  You will be expected to read and then complete a writing assignment based on this book.  We will also spend time discussing portions of the book during class.  Your contribution to these and other discussions in class will contribute toward the participation points you earn this semester.


Passport Activities: There are four required Passport Activities in the following areas: an “Academic Passport”, a “Cultural/Fine Arts Passport”, an “Athletic/Fitness Passport”, and a “Community Passport”.  Each passport assignment will count 20 points toward your final grade.  The course Schedule gives suggested deadlines for each passport activity, but you will receive credit for each activity you complete before the end of the semester.  More information about the Passports is located on the MSUM website at


Other Activities: There will be several other required activities both in and outside class.  These include surveys, personal assessments, interviewing faculty members, group assignments, and other short activities that contribute to applying the content we cover during class.


Thought Cards:  For the first few class meetings, each student will be asked to hand in a “thought card”.  These thought cards give you a chance to ask questions you may not want to ask in front of your classmates, to let me know about a concern you have, or even to ask a random question unrelated to the class. 


Exams: There will be no exams in this course.  However, we will have an activity during the scheduled final exam period. 



Course Grading Policy -- Your final grade in the course will be computed as follows:


Thought Cards:                   25 points

Reading Assignment Paper:                   30 points

Other Required Activities:                 100 points

Reflection Papers:                   80 points

Participation:                   60 points

Passport Activities:                   80 points

Technology Assignment:                   25 points

Total:                 400 points


I will compute the percentage of the total possible points each student earned during the semester (rounded to the nearest .1%), and will then assign letter grades based on the following scale.  I may make slight adjustments to this scale (down, never up), but don’t count on this happening.


96.5-100.0%               A+                              81.5-86.4%               B                               69.0-71.4%               C–

91.5-96.5%               A                               79.0-81.4%               B–                              66.0-68.9%               D+

89.0-91.4%               A–                              76.5-78.9%               C+                              60.0-65.9%               D

86.5-88.9%               B+                              71.5-76.4%               C                              <60.0%                              F


Make-up Work: I only give make-up assignments for extreme personal emergencies or for absences which are officially sanctioned by the University.  I expect written documentation in either of these cases.  If you are going to miss class, let me know about the situation as quickly as possible.


Special Accommodations:  Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-5859 (Voice/TTY), CMU 114 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.


Academic Honesty: You are expected to do your own work.  You may work with others and get help on assignments, but the work you submit must be your own.  Cheating and/or plagiarism are not tolerated in any course at any level.  See the MSUM Academic Honesty policy for more information on the possible consequences of cheating.


Thanks, And Let’s Have A Great Semester!!


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