Math 487 – Project Grading Rubric





Did you get the audience’s attention and convey the significance of the topic?

            2          1          0

Was the content and level of detail appropriate for your stated audience?

            5          4          3          2          1          0

Was the talk organized appropriately?

            3          2          1          0

Did you adhere to the time limit?

            2          1          0

Was the delivery appropriate? (tone, gestures, eye contact with audience)

            3          2          1          0

Did you use Computer/Blackboard/Visual Aids appropriately?

            2          1          0




Slides (and/or Handouts):

Visual Layout

            2          1          0

Mathematical content

            5          4          3          2          1          0

Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and other writing issues

            4          3          2          1          0

Did you cite your sources appropriately?

            2          1          0


Total:                (out of 30 possible points)