Course Information
Math 260: Computer Calculus – Section 03, Spring 2012
1 Credit: T 9:30 – 10:20am MacLean
Room 169
Textbook: None
Instructor: Justin James, Mathematics Department
Office: MacLean 375M Office
Phone: 477-4011
Office Hours:
MTWF 8:30 – 9:20am Email:
MWF 10:30
– 11:20am Webpage:
MTWF 1:30 – 2:20pm
Other times by Appointment
Course Description: Topics from
Calculus I explored using Maple. Solving equations, graphing functions, derivatives, integrals.
Prerequisite: Students
should either have completed or be concurrently enrolled in Math 261: Calculus
Course Requirements: You are expected to
attend class meetings and to complete all lab assignments. By the end of the course, you should have a
working knowledge of Maple.
Course Objectives and Student Learning
Upon completion of
the course, students will be able to do the following:
Use Maple to do symbolic manipulation to solve
Do some programming in Maple.
Be comfortable using computers to aid in
Instructional Strategies: Lecture, group
work, in class lab activities.
and Academic Expectations: You are expected to
attend class regularly and on time. We will spend a majority of our class time
learning how to use Maple. Some class time will also be used to help you get a
head start on completing that week’s lab assignment.
Labs: I will collect and
grade a
lab assignment once a week. There are a
total of 14 labs during the semester.
Each lab is worth 20 points. Labs
must be submitted electronically by 11:59pm on the day they are due (Mondays). Late labs will receive a significant late
penalty (-10% for each hour the lab is late, rounded up: e.g.: 1 minute late =
-10%, 61 minutes late = -20%, etc.). Your best 12 labs will count toward your
final grade.
Exams: This course will have no exams. Since this is a lab course, there will not be any class
meeting during final exam week.
Grading Policy: Your
final grade will be computed out of 240 total points based on the following
grading scale:
96.5-100.0% A+ 81.5-86.4% B 69.0-71.4% C–
91.5-96.5% A
79.0-81.4% B– 66.0-68.9% D+
89.0-91.4% A– 76.5-78.9% C+ 60.0-65.9% D
86.5-88.9% B+ 71.5-76.4% C <60.0% F
Work: I
only give make-up assignments for extreme personal emergencies or for
absences which are officially sanctioned by the University. I will expect written documentation in either
of these cases.
Special Accommodations: Students with disabilities who believe they may need an
accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges,
Coordinator of Disability Services at 477-5859 (Voice) or 1-800-627-3529
(MRS/TTY), CMU 114 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion.
Academic Honesty: You are expected to
do your own work. You may work with others and get help on assignments,
but the work you submit must be your own. During exams and quizzes you
will not be allowed to get help from others. Cheating and
plagiarism will not be tolerated in any course at any level. See the MSUM
Academic Honesty policy for more information on the possible consequences of
And Let’s Have A Great Semester!!
January 9 |
January 16 |
Lab 1 due |
January 23 |
Lab 2 due |
January 30 |
Lab 3 due |
February 6 |
Lab 4 due |
February 13 |
Lab 5 due |
February 20 |
Lab 6 due |
February 27 |
Lab 7 due |
March 5 |
Lab 8 due |
March 13 |
March 19 |
Lab 9 due |
March 26 |
Lab 10 due |
April 2 |
Lab 11 due |
April 9 |
Lab 12 due |
April 17 |
April 23 |
Lab 13 due |
April 30 |
Lab 14 due |
260 – Section 03 Course Page