Math 229 – Topics in Calculus
Reflection Paper 2
Due: Tuesday, February 18th
Give your thoughts on the following questions:
- What did you do to prepare for Exam 1?
- How much time did you spend preparing for this
exam? How did you organize the time
you spent preparing?
- Which topics on the exam gave you the most
- How did you spend your time and energy during the
exam? How did you feel as you were
taking the exam?
- What, if anything, do you think you could have done
differently in order to have been more prepared and more successful on
this exam?
Your paper should be typed (double
spaced with standard margins).
Make sure to put a title block including your name, course number, section
number, and “Reflection Paper 2” at the top of the page. Your paper must be turned in to me no later
than 4:00pm on Tuesday.
229 – Section 08 Course Page
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