Course Information

Math 392/492: Sophomore Seminar/ Senior Seminar - Section 01, Spring 2015

1 Credit: W 3:00 - 3:50pm Bridges Room 268


Textbook: None

Instructor: Justin James, Mathematics Department 

Office: MacLean 375M                                             Office Phone: (218)477-4011            

Office Hours: MTWThF   10:00 – 10:50am             Email:

                        MTWTh       1:00  1:50pm    Webpage:

                                    F      3:00  3:50pm


Course Description: 

Students will attend lectures where they will be exposed to research level mathematics and general interest topics. The students will also attend lectures given by their classmates.

Prerequisite: Math 310 (Math 392 is a prerequisite for Math 492)


Course Requirements:


You are expected to attend class regularly and on time. You are expected to give full attention to the presenter(s) each week and to consider both the content that is presented and the manner in which it is presented. 


When the presentation is given by a guest presenter, you will be expected to either turn in a summary of the content of the talk or to complete a related activity or assignment.  When the presentation is given by a classmate, you will be expected to turn in a summary of the content of the talk (or complete a related activity) and to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the presentation.


Students taking the course at the senior level will be expected to give a 50 minute presentation on a research topic.  Expect to put a significant amount of effort into researching the topic and creating an appropriate presentation 


Students taking the course at the sophomore level will be expected to give a 25 minute presentation on a general interest or recreational mathematics topic (you may choose to work together with a classmate and give a combined 50 minute presentation).  Sophomore level presentations will also require research and preparation outside of class time.


Presentation grades will be based on both the quality of the content and the effectiveness of the presentation.


Learning  Outcomes (General):


·        Give a lecture on their own research.

·        Understand applications of mathematics.

·        Understand proofs.

·        Understand some research level mathematics.


Instructional Strategies: 


In class presentations, presentation summaries, presentation evaluations




Since summarizing, evaluating, and giving mathematical presentations comprise the vast majority of the course requirements, attendance is mandatory.  You are allowed one excused absence for the entire semester.  Your grade will be penalized 5% for each additional absence.  I can think of very few circumstances that would warrant any deviation from this policy.

Course Grading Policy: Your final grade in the course will be computed as follows:


Presentation Summaries/Evaluations/Related Exercises:            140 points

In Class Presentation:                                                                          120 points

Presentation Supporting Materials:                                                    40 points

Total:                                                                                                300 points


I will compute the percentage of the total possible points each student earned during the semester (rounded to the nearest .1%), and will then assign letter grades based on the following scale.  I may make slight adjustments to this scale (down, never up), but don’t count on this happening.


96.5-100.0%            A+                        81.5-86.4%            B                         69.0-71.4%            C–

91.5-96.5%            A                         79.0-81.4%            B–                        66.0-68.9%            D+

89.0-91.4%            A–                        76.5-78.9%            C+                        60.0-65.9%            D

86.5-88.9%            B+                        71.5-76.4%            C                        <60.0%            F


Make-up Work: I will only give make-up assignments or accept late work for extreme personal emergencies or for absences which are officially sanctioned by the University.  I will expect written documentation in either of these cases.


Special Accommodations: Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this class are encouraged to contact Greg Toutges, Director of Disability Services at 477-4318 (Voice) or 1-800-627-3529 (MRS/TTY), Flora Frick 154 as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.  Information regarding Disability Services is available at


Academic Honesty: You are expected to do your own work.  All references must be cited and the final form of your presentation must show a significant amount of synthesis drawing on multiple sources and an involving an appropriate amount of your own creative effort.  Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated in any course at any level.  See the MSUM Academic Honesty policy for more information on the possible consequences of cheating.


Thanks, And Let’s Have A Great Semester!!



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