Course Information

Math 291: LaTeX – Section 01, Spring 2016

1 Credit: Meets Tuesdays from 3:00 – 3:50pm in MacLean Room 169


Textbook: None


Instructor: Justin James, Mathematics Department 


Office: MacLean 375M                                                Office Phone: (218)477-4011              

Office Hours:      TTh          1:00 – 1:50pm          Email:

                        MTWTh 11:00 – 11:50am          Webpage:

                                Other times by Appointment


Course Description:  An introduction to LaTeX, a mathematical typesetting language, including page layout commands, typesetting formulae, enumerated lists, tables, arrays, graphics, plus other packages and specialized document classes.


Prerequisites:  MATH 262 - Calculus II AND MATH 260 - Computer Calculus


Course Requirements: You are expected to attend class meetings and to complete all lab assignments.  By the end of the course, you should have a working knowledge of LaTeX.


Learning Outcomes:

·         Learn to find and use LaTeX packages and macros.

·         Use LaTeX to create presentations using the Beamer Package.

·         Use LaTeX to typeset mathematical documents including mathematical formulae.


Instructional Strategies:  Lecture, in class activities, lab work.


Attendance and Academic Expectations: 

You are expected to attend class regularly and on time. We will spend a majority of our class time discussing and practicing using LaTeX. Some class time may also be used to help you get a head start on completing that week’s lab assignment.


Labs: I will collect and grade lab assignments once a week.  There are a total of 12 labs during the semester.  Each lab is worth 20 points.  Labs must be submitted electronically by 11:59am on the day they are due (Tuesday).  Late labs will receive a significant late penalty (-15% if turned in late but before 5:00pm on the due date, -30% if turned in the day following the due date, no credit if not turned in on the day following the due date unless a significant documentable emergency arises). All 12 labs will count toward your final grade.


Presentations: During the last few class meetings and during the final exam period, each student will be expected to give a 10-15 minute presentation in class using beamer and other LaTeX skills learned throughout the semester.  You must meet with me at least one week in advance of your scheduled presentation in order to get my approval on your topic and content.  You will be graded on both the quality of your presentation and the LaTeX source code for your presentation.  Presentations are worth 40 points.


Exams:  This course will have no exams, but, as mentioned above, we will meet during the final exam period for presentations.  The final exam period for this course is on Thursday, May 5th from 2:00-4:00pm.


Course Grading Policy: Your final grade will be computed out of 280 total points based on the following grading scale:


96.5-100.0%        A+                           81.5-86.4%           B                             69.0-71.4%          

91.5-96.5%           A                             79.0-81.4%                                      66.0-68.9%           D+

89.0-91.4%                                      76.5-78.9%           C+                           60.0-65.9%           D

86.5-88.9%           B+                           71.5-76.4%           C                              <60.0%  F


Make-up Work: I only give make-up assignments or accept late work without penalty in cases of extreme personal emergencies or for absences which are officially sanctioned by the University. 

I require written documentation in a timely fashion in either of these circumstances.


Special Accommodations: Minnesota State University Moorhead is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students.  The Disability Resource Center (DRC) is the campus office that collaborates with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations.   

•        If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g. mental health, attentional, learning, chronic health, sensory or physical) please contact the DRC at (218) 477-4318 (V) or (800)627.3529 or 711 (MRS/TTY) to schedule an appointment for an intake.

•        Additional information is available on the DRC website:

•        If you are registered with the DRC and have a current Accommodation Letter, please schedule an appointment to visit with me, during my office hours, to discuss implementation of your accommodations.


Academic Honesty: You are expected to do your own work.  You may work with others and get help on assignments, but the work you submit must be your own.  Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in any course at any level.  See the MSUM Academic Honesty policy for more information on the possible consequences of cheating.


Tentative Schedule:


Scheduled Activities


Tues, Jan 12

Lecture #1

Introduction to LaTeX. Basic LaTeX commands, the math environoment.

Tues, Jan 19

Lab #1 due

Lecture #2


Document Layout, document classes, preamble, more math commands.

Tues, Jan 26

Lab #2 due

Lecture #3


Math commands, displaying equations, grouping symbols, decorations, and equation arrays.

Tues, Feb 2

Lab #3 due

Lecture #4


Lists, multicol package, spacing commands.

Tues, Feb 9

Lab #4 due

Lecture #5


Tabular, minipage, arrays and matrices. (Debugging Assignment)

Tues, Feb 16

Lab #5 due

Lecture #6


Beamer package for presentations

Tues, Feb 23

Lab #6 due

Lecture #7


Including images, intro to pstricks and graphing

Tues, Mar 1

Lab #7 due

Lecture #8


More graphing.  The pst-func, pst-plot, and pst-3dplot packages

Tues, Mar 8

Lab #8 due

Lecture #9


Theorem environments, new commands and renew commands

Tues, Mar 22

Lab #9 due

Lecture #10


Sectioning a document, labels, and the bibliography

Tues, Mar 29

Lab #10 due

Lecture #11


Introduction to tikZ.

Tues, Apr 5

Lab #11 due

Lecture #12


More fun with tikZ.

Tues, Apr 12

Lab #12 due

No Classes – SAC


Tues, Apr 19

Presentations 1-3


Tues, Apr 26

Presentations 4-6


Tues, May 3

Presentations 7-9


Thursday, May 5

Presentations 10-17



Thanks, And Let’s Have A Great Semester!!


Math 291 – Section 01 Course Page

Dr. James' Mainpage