How Science is Done

Science and the Scientific Method

I. How is Science Done?

o  What is Science?

  = organized knowledge

- A systematic process of asking questions about the observable world and then testing the answers to those questions …..

A. Goals of Science

  1. Immediate Purpose = make correct    predictions of events observed in nature.

  2. Ultimate Purpose = betterment of mankind.

 seeking a better understanding of nature

B. The Scientific Method

 - the orderly process by which explanations for   observations made in nature are accepted or   rejected

 ASSUMTION: Nature is knowable

Scientific Method:

3 steps => 1) observation 2) hypothesis 3) test

1.  Observation - asking questions and/or collecting information.

2.  Hypothesis - a testable explanation for a set of observations or       information.

3.  Testing - models or experiments that determine the feasibility of a   hypothesis.


- explanation that has undergone extensive testing

An idealized view

- publishing and peer review

- The Rules

 1. Reproducibility
 2. Falsifiable Explanations
 3. Causality
 4. Simplicity
 5. Explanations are Tentative
 6. Science cannot answer all questions

 following them = good science
 not following them = bad science

- common misconceptions

o hypothesis versus theory

o Nothing is proven to be absolutely true by the scientific method!!!

o Theories may change as our knowledge and ability to make observations change.

o Science reflects society and human nature….