A. The Solid Earth
B. The Hydrosphere - our distinguishing character
C. The Atmosphere
D.The Biosphere
Is the Earth a closed system?
the parts of the Earth system are linked => events that occur in one system can affect the others
II. Solid Earth Processes => Internal
Internal Structure = layered
A. The Layered Earth - Properties
1. Crust = brittle, rocky
2. Mantle = plastic
3. Core = Liquid Iron
and Nickel outer part
Solid inner part...
Outer Core = Internal Heat
B. Mantle Convection
1. Heating mantle from below causes
2. Convection in mantle causes crust to
move and break into plates
Moving Plates = Plate Tectonics
the most dynamic spots on Earth = Plate Boundaries
C. Plate Boundaries
III. Surface Processes
Powered by the Sun and Other
EX: the Hydrologic Cycle
Sculpts surface and breaks down Earth Materials