Scroll Down For Reviews for Exam 2 and the Final
EXAM 1 - THURSDAY Oct. 4th
Figure - The Ocean as a biogeochemical system figure
What are the 4 major parts of the Earth System? Also, give an example of how
they interact.
What are the 3 major oceans, which is the largest, and which is the smallest?
What is the difference between continental drift and plate tectonics?
Draw a simple sketch showing the cross section of a typical passive continental
What is the CCD, and why are calcareous oozes more common in the Atlantic than
the Pacific?
Where does the salt in the oceans come from, and why does the salinity remain stable?
What is the evidence for the big bang?
Where did the material in the nebula that eventually became our solar system
come from?
Why is the earth layered internally?
Where did the water in the early ocean come from?
How do we know that the earth is 4.6 billion years old?
What is the geologic time scale?
Why is liquid water so abundant on earth but not on the other planets in our
solar system?
How is water distributed throughout the Earth system?
How do we know so much about the internal properties and structure of Earth?
How was the process of sea floor spreading discovered?
What are the three types of plate boundaries? At which type is new oceanic crust
created, and at which type is it destroyed?
Where would you find the youngest rocks (crustal rocks – not sedimentary)
on the ocean floor, where would you find the oldest, and why?
What are the mechanisms that cause the tectonic plates to move?
What is the difference between and active and passive continental margin?
Where do mid ocean ridges form on the ocean floor, and where do trench form?
How do sediments form, what controls the rate at which they form, how are they
transported, and what is the most common place that they are deposited?
What is the difference between terrigenous and biogenic sediment?
Why does the sized of sediment decrease as you go out on the continental shelf?
How doe carbonate shelves differ from continental shelves with mostly terrigenous
How does carbonate sediment get distributed across the continental shelf?
How do terrigneous sediments get to the continental rise?
Why are there canyons on the continental shelf?
Why is the bulk of the pelagic clay on the ocean floor centered just north and
south of the tropics?
Why is a large percentage of the terrigenous sediments in the western pacific
Why is the sediment just of the continental shelf around Antarctica so poorly
Why do oozes match what is living in the water column so well?
If a large percentage of the skeletons of diatoms and radiolarions dissolve
before they reach the ocean floor how do siliceous oozes form?
What is the structure of a water molecule and what are some of its special
How are water molecules bonded together in liquid water and what are some of
the properties of liquid water because of these bonds?
Water has a high heat capacity. What does that mean?
How far does light penetrate into the ocean, what is this region called, and
what colors penetrate farther than others?
Why is seawater buffered, how does the carbonate buffer work, and what does
this mean in terms of the chemical stability of the ocean?
Salinity fluctuates at the surface of the oceans, but is very stable in the
deep ocean. Where is salinity highest at the surface, and where is it lowest?
Why does this surface pattern exist?
In seawater, what is the difference between those constituents that are considered
conservative and those that are classified as non-conservative?
Why is concentration of O2 high but CO2 low in the upper 100 m of the ocean?
Why does O2 reach a minimum between 200 and 800 m in the ocean?
Why are the oceans stratified?
Why are the surface temperatures of the oceans highest near the equator but
lowest near the poles?
Why are surface waters in the oceans less dense than water in the deep ocean?
Why is there circulation in the atmosphere and what is this type of circulation
Why are there six circulation cells (3 in the northern hemisphere and 3 in
the southern hemisphere) instead of just two?
What causes the Coriolis effect?
Why is atmospheric pressure low at the equator but high at the horse latitudes?
Why do weather patterns track from west to east across North America?
Why do hurricanes track from east to west across the Atlantic?
Why are there high pressure centers over the Atlantic and Pacific during the
summer, whereas there is a low pressure center over the North American continent?
Why is this pattern reversed during the winter? What does this doe for the
climate in North America?
Where does the energy in a Huricane come from and how does it get into the storm system?
Why has damage from huricanes along the eastern seaboard and the GOM gotten worse lately?
Why do the hypocenters of earthquakes get deeper as you go toward the continent along some plate boundaries, and what type of plate boundary could this be?
Sparse, shallow earthquakes that often occur as bands along the seafloor are associated with what type of boundary?
Do mountains occur randomly on the continents, or do they occur in some sort of pattern? If so, Why?
What are some of the major features on the ocean floor, and what are the boundary types responsible for them?
Where are most active volcanoes on earth located?
If there is a divergent plate boundary on the eastern edge of the South American plate, and a convergent boundart along its western margin, which direction is the South American plate likely to move?
check back again as I will be adding
questions until .........Wed. Oct. 2
e-mail me if you have any problems
EXAM 2 - Thursday NOV. 29th
check back again as I will be adding
questions until .........Wed. Nov. 27th
e-mail me if you have any problems
FORMAT - will include new material (since the last exam), plus comprehensive material
New Material
REVIEW QUESTIONS (check the review questions above for comprehensive material - hint: focus on the major topics)
What are the requirements of a productive fishery?
What degrades a fishery?
Where do developing countries get most of their protein, and how does this relate to overfishing?
Is petroleum a completely foreign substance in the ocean, and why are oil spills so damaging to the environments in which they occur?
check back again as I will be adding
e-mail me if you have any problems