Why is quartz more abundant than feldspar in sedimentary
What are sedimentary structures and how do they form?
What is sediment texture?
What are modes of sediment transport?
What are the horizons of a typical soil profile and what
are some of the characteristics of each horizon?
What are the processes involved in the creation of sediments
and sedimentary rocks?
What are the processes that turn pre-existing rocks into
sediments, and where are these processes most active?
What are the factors that determine the types of soils found
in a particular area?
What is a paleosol, how do we recognize them, and why has
it been difficult to recognize these features in the past?
What type of soil occurs in the Red River Valley, and how
can you explain this geologically?
What factors are important to the transport of sediment?
What is the difference between Newtonian and non-newtonian
What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flow,
and which is most important for fluid transport? Why?
What are the important factors for the transport of a sediment
grain, and what are the forces involved?
What are the types of sediment loads?
What factors influence the texture of sediments?
Why do sedimentary rocks occur as strata or beds?
What are the main criteria for sandstone classification?
Explain compositional and textural maturity. What does the
maturity of a rock tell you?
What is bioturbation and what can it tell you?
What type of sandstone is composed of a framework of rock
fragments, and what does this tell you about the origin of the rock?
What is the significance of a supermature quartz arenite?
What is the environmental significance of finding mudcracks
in a rock?
Besides the obvious difference in scale, what are the differences
between ripples and dune forms in terms of how and why they form?
What types of sedimentary bedding and structures indicate
mixed hydraulic conditions like the conditions one would encounter on a
tidal flat?
What is HCS and under what conditions does it form?
Why can’t ripples be used as the main criteria to
interpret the environment of a sedimentary rock?
- Grains in carbonate rocks can be a variety of minerals and chemical combinations,
what are the varieties, and does this have any influence on the types of changes
that occur during diagenesis?
- What is the significance of the ratio of framework grains to matrix in carbonates?
- What are the sources of carbonate mud (micrite)?
- What is spar and what can it tell you about the diagenesis of a limestone?
- How are the Dunham and Folk classifications of carbonates different?