Instructor: Asoka Marasinghe

This is an introductory course in environmental chemistry. The course is designed to give the beginning student a basic understanding environmental problems from the point of view of chemistry. A study of the fundamental applications of chemistry to environmental problems in the context of the social, political, economic, and ethical issues surrounding those problems. Students will formulate and test hypotheses by performing experiments and simulations in class and at home. You will communicate your findings and interpretations. This course is suitable for those who have had no high school chemistry. Credit not applicable to a chemistry major or minor. MnTC Goal 3(lab-like).

Information related to this course are in the following pages;

Chapter Notes
Reading Assignments
Homework: EOC Problems
Quizzes: CONNECT
Text Book Website Edition 7 Edition 8
Websites of Interest for CHEM102

Laboratory Excercises

This page is intended to serve the Chemistry 102 students.

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