Brigance Diagnostic Employability
Skills Inventory (Brigance, 1994). Curriculum Associates, Inc.
- extensive selection of criterion-referenced
assessments to evaluate reading, writing, speaking, listening, comprehending,
and computing skills needed when seeking employment
- serves as a curriculum guide, providing teaching
sequences for preemployment and employability skills
- provides an individualized record-keeping system
- areas assessed:
- reading grade-placement assessments
- career awareness and self-understanding
- job-seeking skills and knowledge
- rating scales
- self-concept and attitudes
- responsibility and self-discipline
- motor coordination and job requirement
- thinking skills/abilities and
job requirements
- job-interview preparation
- jobsite
- trainee's work experience
The Brigance Inventory
of Employability Skills provides performance-based, criterion-referenced
in the employment area. If a learner demonstrates a need (e.g.,
job interview) on a transition specific assessment instrument,
this instrument
provides rating scales or performance based measures to conduct
more in-depth assessment to identify specific programming needs.
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of
Essential Skills, (Brigance, 1994). Curriculum Associates, Inc.
- designed for use in secondary programs
- provides means of tracking student's mastery
of skills
- Two parts:
- basic academic skill included in Sections
A through T
- applied skills assessed in Sections U through
- identifies basic skills that have or have not
been mastered
- identifies instructional objectives
- serves as an instructional guide; includes
- provides for a record keeping system
The Brigance Inventory of
Essential Skills is a criterion-referenced assessment that provides
more in depth, performance-based assessment of needs identified
in transition
assessment. For example, if transition assessment identifies "personal
money management" as a concern, the educator can use the Brigance
Essential Skills to conduct more in depth assessment (i.e., reads
price signs,
computes total for amounts of money, making change, comprehends
and computes purchase savings, computes expenses using charts and
banking and credit vocabulary, manages a checking account, prerequisite
and related skills and concepts related to credit, computes interest
on loans, reads and comprehends a credit agreement, application
for a credit card, reads and comprehends monthly credit statement).
Brigance Diagnostic Life Skills
Inventory, (Brigance, 1994). Curriculum Associates, Inc.
- includes a full range of criterion-referenced
assessment to evaluate listening, speaking, reading, writing, comprehending,
and computing skills within the context of everyday situation
- serves as a curriculum guide
for teaching sequences of functional life skills
- areas assessed:
- speaking and listening skills
- functional writing skills
- words on common signs and
warning labels
- telephone skills
- money and finance
- food
- clothing
- health
- travel and transportation
- rating scales
- speaking skills
- listening skills
- health practices and attitudes
- self concept
- auto safety
The Brigance Life Skills
Inventory provides performance-based, criterion-referenced in life
skills. If a learner demonstrates a need (e.g., understands nutrition
& planning balanced meals) on a transition specific assessment instrument,
this instrument provides performance based measures to
conduct more in-depth assessment to identify specific programming needs.
- Enderle-Severson Transition
Rating Scale-Form J-Revised (ESTR-J-R) (Enderle & Severson, 2003),
ESTR Publications
- composed of two forms: school form, parent
form (ESTR-J-R Parent Form)
- transition specific assessment for students
with mild disabilities
- consists of 47 items
- organized around the planning areas of:
- employment
- recreation and leisure
- home living
- community participation
- post secondary education
- students are rated by third party respondent
(someone who knows the students well)-or-scale can be completed with
the student
- rater responds with yes/no response (yes=independent
and consistent; no=inconsistent)
- post school outcomes assessment (checklist
- Manual-"Transition Planning in the
Schools: Using the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales" (2003)
provides information on how to summarize assessment information,
address transition
through the IEP process as well as information on reliability and
Enderle-Severson Transition Rating
Scale III (ESTR III) (Enderle & Severson, 2003), ESTR Publications
- composed of two forms: school form, parent form
(ESTR III Parent Form)
- transition specific assessment for students
with more disability
- consists of 136 items
- organized around the transition areas of:
- employment
- recreation and leisure
- home living
- community participation
- post secondary education
- students are rated by third party respondent
(someone who knows the individual well) on a three point scale (2=independent
and consistent, 1=inconsistent or participates with assistance, 0=does
not participate)
- post school outcomes assessment (checklist format)
- computerized assessment summary or planning
- Manual-"Transition Planning in the Schools:
Using the Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scales" provides information
on how to summarize assessment information, address transition through
the IEP process as well as information on reliability and validity
Life Centered Career Education
(LCCE) Knowledge Battery, (Brolin, 1992), Council for Exceptional Children
- available in parallel forms
(A & B)
- consists of 200 multiple choice
questions that assess 20 of the 22 competencies identified in the LCCE
- assesses curriculum areas of
Daily Living Skills, Personal Social Skills, & Occupational Skills
- primarily a screening instrument
- useful with students with mild
- provides a norm-referenced score
(percentile rank)
The LCCE Knowledge Battery
provides a norm-referenced score of students' knowledge of life skills
issues as
assessed by the multiple choice questionns. While transition assessment
instruments assess how students perform on a daily basis, this instrument
assesses "what they know" about adult life issues.
Life Centered Career Education
(LCCE) Performance Battery, (Brolin, 1992), Council for Exceptional Children
- consists of two alternate forms
for each of the 21 competencies found in the LCCE Curriculum
- items are primarily performance-based
- assesses curriculum areas of
Daily Living Skills, Personal Social Skills, & Occupational Skills
LCCE Performance Battery is
a performance-based, criterion-referenced test. If a learner demonstrates
a need (e.g., ability to secure housing) on a transition specific assessment
instrument, this instrument provides performance based measures to
conduct more in-depth assessment to identify specific programming needs.
Transition Planning Inventory (Clark & Patton, 1997). PRO-ED
- composed of four forms: student form, home form,
school form, and profile and further assessment recommendation form
- consists of 46 transition planning statements
- organized around the planning areas of:
- employment
- further education/training
- daily living
- leisure activities, community participation
- health
- self-determination
- communication
- interpersonal relationships
- rater selects level of agreement with statement
on a likert scale (0-strongly disagree, 5-strongly agree)
- post school outcomes assessment on student form (open-ended questions)
- information from all parties summarized on profile form
- manual gives information on reliability and