Statistical Research for Behavioral Sciences Brian G. Smith, Ph.D. |
Lesson 4 - Frequency Distibution, Percentile Ranks, Graphing |
Homework - Lesson 4 Any student may may do the assignments from any area. You may run through this work an unlimited number of times. If you make errors, you will be referred to the appropriate area of the book for re-study. |
Assessment - Lesson 4 You will have two options to take the quiz. If you fail to achieve 100% on the quiz, you will not able to advance to the next lesson. After failing on the second take, please email the instructor at so remedial action can be taken. |
Assignment and Information
Vocabulary Raw data - The scores of a subject exactly as collected and before they are analyzed statistically. Frequency distributions - A table showing each score in a set of scores and the number of times it occurred
Class interval - the range of score values into which the raw scores are grouped in a grouped frequency distribution. Cumulative frequency of a score -( cf ) - the frequency of occurrence of a score plus the sum of the frequencies of all the scores of lower value. Percentiles - a score at or below which a specified percentage of the scores ina distribution fall Percentile rank - the percentage of scores in a distribution that are equal to or less than that score Histograms - a bar graph in which size of the class interval is represented by the width of the bar on the abscissa (x axis). and the frequency of scores in the class interval is given by the height of the bar. Frequency polygons - Connected dots indicating the frequency at the midpoints of classintervals with straight lines Stem and leaf display - A display of data in which the first digit of a score is the stem, and the last digit is the leaf. Bar graph - a graph used to present a frequency distribution for qualitative data Symmetrical frequency distribution - A distribution in which one side is the mirror image of the other side Skewed - when a distribution has scores clustered more at one end than at the other Mode - the most frequently occurring score in a distribution