Session provided by:
Stacy L. Voeller, Electronic Resources Librarian
Livingston Lord Library, MSUM
Directions for MSUM's LibProxy (to access databases from home).
WebPALS Library Online Catalog (search for books & items on reserve)
MSUM's A-to-Z, online serials directory
(through EBSCO)
This directory will guide you by title or subject to the library's collection of online
journals, and tell you whether or not we subscribe to them in paper, or if
they are available electronically online in one of our databases.
Off-Campus Access
APA Electronic References Style Guide
Library's APA Style Guide
(through ProQuest)
Designed specifically for nursing programs in academic institutions as well as hospital libraries, CINAHL PlusText covers a wide range of topics, including nursing, allied health, alternative therapies, biomedicine, consumer health, and health administration. This database offers over 1,200 titles (with more than 260 in full text) and coverage from 1982 to the present.
Off-Campus Access
(through CSA)
PsycINFO provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. Unrivaled in its depth of psychological coverage and respected worldwide for its high quality, the database is enriched with literature from an array of disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. Nearly all records contain nonevaluative summaries, and all records from 1967 to the present are indexed using the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms.
Includes materials published worldwide from 1840-present.
Off-Campus Access
ScienceDirect offers access to the Elsevier Science journal collection (over 1,200 titles), along with journals from a host of prestigious societies and STM publishers. The full text collection of over 1 million articles from 1995 to present covers a wide variety of subject areas and disciplines, including: Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Business & Management Science, Chemistry, Clinical Medicine, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering & Technology, Environmental Science, Materials Science, Mathematics & Computer science, Microbiology & Immunology, Neurosciences, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Physics, and Social Sciences
Off-Campus Access
American Chemsitry Society Journals
Provides a comprehensive collection, of high-quality information products and
services that advance the practice of the chemical and related sciences
Off-Campus Access
FirstSearch Databases
covers 49 databases ranging in subject areas from Arts & Humanities,
Business & Economics, Conferences & Proceedings, Consumer Affairs
& People, Education, Engineering & Technology, General &
Reference, General Science, Life Sciences, Medicine & Health Sciences,
News & Current Events, Public Affairs & Law, and Social Sciences.
Off-Campus Access
BasicBIOSIS Basic information about biology and other life sciences
BioDigest Life-science information written in a non-technical style
Gale - Professional
Part of the Gale/IAC databases suite, the Professional Collection is a
custom selection of more than 300 full-text journals for educators that is
updated daily and provides 24-hour access from school or home. It offers
balanced coverage for any professional educator in the following areas:
arts and humanities; child and adolescent psychology and development; drug
and alcohol abuse; health/nutrition/fitness; learning disabilities;
literature; school law; science and technology; social sciences; and
sports/athletic training.
Off-Campus Access
Academic Search Premier
This resource contains full text for nearly 3,400 scholarly publications. This collection provides full text journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies.
Off-Campus Access
Provides full text for 1,830 periodicals covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and a wide variety of general interest topics.
Off-Campus Access
Education Index
(through CSA)
CSA Physical Education Index allows all researchers and professionals in the field to acquire accurate and scholarly information in this comprehensive database. These abstracts feature a wide variety of content, ranging from physical education curricula, to sports medicine, to dance. Other coverage includes sport law,
kinesiology, motor learning, recreation, standardized fitness tests, sports equipment, business and marketing, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology. Health education and physical therapy are also covered as they continue to become more prevalent in our society.
Off-Campus Access
Wilson Web
Wilson OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition is a multi-disciplinary database providing the
complete content - indexing, abstracts, and full text - from six of Wilson's full-text
databases: Standard CatalogsEducation Full Text, General Science Full Text, Humanities
Full Text, Readers' Guide Full Text, Social Sciences Full Text, and Wilson Business Full
Off-Campus Access
Check on or submit an InterLibrary Loan request
Web Sites:
(AGRICultural OnLine
Access) is a bibliographic database of citations to
the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library (NAL)
and its cooperators. Production of these records in electronic form began in
1970, but the database covers materials in all formats, including printed works
from the 15th century. The records describe publications and resources
encompassing all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal
and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and
fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and
education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
Although the AGRICOLA database does not contain the materials, thousands of
AGRICOLA records are linked to full-text documents online, with new links added
daily. AGRICOLA is searchable on
the World Wide Web. For information on how to obtain library materials from NAL,
see NAL's Document Delivery
Services web site.
Ingenta indexes nearly 29,000 English language multidisciplinary periodicals in
its database. Five thousand citations are added daily. To
search the entire database, you'll need to do two separate searches. One
in Electronic content and then one in Fax/Ariel content.
This vast database by the U.S. National Library of Medicine recently gained a new
interface described at the site as "a single search interface with pull-down menus
that display search field limits, indexes, your search history, and a clipboard for
gathering selected articles."