Department of Technology |
TECH 394 - Tech Computer Applications |
Summer 2004 |
Final ProjectsProject Objective: The final project for this class is intended to demonstrate your ability to incorporate macros and data exchange into the design of computer applications. Students in the class will work in groups of two or three. You are to develop an application of your choice that:
Your grade for the project will be based on 5 items - a proposal presentation, a progress report, an in-class presentation of your completed project, an instruction manual, and the project files themselves. Scoring will be as follows:
The proposal should include:
It should clearly define what you want each piece of software to accomplish, and in general terms describe how you hope to make it work. This sample proposal is pretty sketchy, and would probably only get about 8 of the 10 points, but it will give you an idea of what I hope to see. The proposal is due on Tuesday, November 18, at the start of class. Your group will present its proposal to the class using PowerPoint. Attendance is mandatory - failure to attend will lower your group's score for this presentation! I will make suggestions for change by e-mail before the following class period. The progress report is an e-mail report of the status of your progress. Tell me what you have accomplished, what you have working, and what is giving you difficulty. That e-mail should be date-stamped before the start of class on Thursday, December 4. On Thursday, December 18 at 3:00 pm (the final class period), each group will present their project to the class. You will use PowerPoint to describe the project as you did in the proposal, discuss any difficulties you encountered, and demonstrate the program for the class. Again, attendance at this class session is mandatory! Failure to attend will lower your group's score! Also during the final class period, you will be asked to submit a user's manual that describes how your application is used. Assume that the reader is familiar enough with computers to find your files in "Explorer" or "My Computer" and click on them to get started. What's next? What should they do if they get in trouble? Make this as clear as possible. I will be following that manual in attempting to grade the project. If I follow the steps listed and can't get it to function, how will I assign points for the "Files" portion of the grade? Finally, you must e-mail me with the location and names of all files related to your project, again during the final class period.. I will grade these files based on functionality and compliance with the requirements given above. I will attempt to run the program, following your manual, and I will look through the code and form design to determine how it functions.