Department of Technology

TECH 394 - Tech Computer Applications

Summer 2004

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Data Management Assignment

Purpose: To demonstrate your ability to sort, format, and query data in an Excel spreadsheet, and to use pivot tables to present the data more clearly

You work for a firm that sells sporting goods throughout the country. The firm tabulates production results in a spreadsheet, but has had some difficulty in formatting the data to glean the information management wants. Your job is to provide that formatting. The data is stored in a file named BigStick2002.xls.

This project is worth 20 points. In order to earn 12 points (60 percent), you must:

  • Copy the file to your folder on the T drive
  • Merge and center the first line as a header over the first 5 columns.
  • Format the headers in the third row to wrap the text to fit within the cells
  • In the 5th column, calculate the percentage of sales returned. (Returns/Total Sales) Format these cells to display a percent to 1 decimal place.
  • Label the 5th column "Percent Returned".
  • Rename the sheet "Input_Data"

In order to earn 14 points (70 percent) you must:

  • Name the data block, including the labels in the third row, "Prod_Data". This range must NOT include the first two rows.
  • Sort the data to show results by region and then by quarter.

In order to earn 16 points (80 percent) you must:

  • Create a criteria range with the same labels as row 3.
  • Perform an advanced filter to show the number of units returned in the Phoenix region for each quarter.

In order to earn 18 points (90 percent), you must:

  • Create a second criteria range, again using the labels as in row 3.
  • Use the DSUM( ) function to determine the total units returned for the 3rd quarter in 2002.
  • Use the DAVG( ) function to determine the average percent returned in all regions for the same time period.

In order to earn 20 points (100 percent) you must

  • Create a pivot table to show units returned. The columns should show each of the regions, and the rows should show the quarters.
  • This table should appear as a separate sheet with the name "Pivot_Table".

Enter your name in column A of the second row following any data. Save the file, and submit it as an e-mail attachment.