Department of Technology

TECH 394 - Tech Computer Applications

Summer 2004

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Excel Programming Assignment

Purpose: This assignment is intended to let you demonstrate your ability to create an application using Excel that incorporates data collection, writing data to specific cells, and automating routine processes. Your application will also make use of advanced Excel functions to improve its function and/or appearance.

You work for a small sub-contracting firm with 12 employees working two shifts. Your boss wants to create a simple means of entering hours - regular and overtime - for each employee for a given week. She'd like to see the outcome as a report showing the wages to be paid to each employee for the week, plus the total hours worked and wages paid for each shift. She's concerned about employee privacy and wants the calulations to happen on a seperate sheet from the report. The report may look like this:

The calculation page should include a list of employees, the shift they work, and their hourly wage. When the employee turns in their hours, your boss would enter the hours next to their name, and the spreadsheet would calculate their pay based on 40 hours of regular time plus time-and-a-half for hours over 40. It should also determine the total hours worked and pay for employees in each shift. That page might look like:

To make the process easier, your boss would like an input form that will allow the user to select or enter an employee's name, and the number of hours they worked. Clicking a button on the form would write their information to the correct cells of the spreadsheet and the total would recalculate

This project is worth 25 points. In order to earn 16 points, you must create an Excel 2000 worksheet that includes:

  • A list of employees, shifts and wages as shown above.
  • Formulas to correctly determine the amount to pay. Note that this will require an "@IF" function.
  • Formulas to determine the total hours and pay for each shift.
  • Cell names for the shift totals
  • Sheets should be named "Report" and "Calculation".
  • Links from the Report sheet to the Calculation sheet

In order to earn a score of 19 points, your project must also include:

  • A user form that allows the user to enter the "Week ending" date, the user's name, and the hours worked..
  • Code using VLookup( ) or Find( ) such that when the user presses "OK", the input data is entered in the appropriate cells in the sheet.
  • The user form should close after the data has been entered.

In order to earn a score of 22 points (80 points) your project must also include:

  • A button on the "Report" worksheet labeled "Input" that, when pressed, causes your user form to appear.
  • A ComboBox on the userform that lets the user select one of the names from the list.

In order to earn a score of 25 points, your project must also include:

  • The value listed on the spreadsheet for "Week ending" should appear as the default value in the user form.
  • If the user changes the "Week ending" value on the user form, the hours for all employees should be blanked out.