Department of Technology

TECH 394 - Tech Computer Applications

Summer 2004

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What-if Tables in Excel

Excel provides a simple process to deveelop tables that ask, "What if...?" Using functions or equations its relatively simple to determine a result for a given set of data. The spreadsheet shown determines the monthly payment for a $75,000 mortgage with an annual interest rate of 6.9% for 30 years.

You might want to try out a number of possibilities: "What if the loan amount were $80,000?" "How about $90,000?" The built-in "Tables" feature is a bit fussy - you have to set it up just so, or it doesn't work. The values you want to try go in a single column: here its A10:A17. The formula you want to display for each value goes one cell above and one to the right of the first value: in cell B9 I wrote "=B6". I then highlighted the range A9:B17 as shown. Selecting "Data" and then "Table" brings up the dialog box shown. Since this is a one-way table - you only want to change one value, you only need to fill in the "Column Input cell" - the items in the column should go where? Since we want to try different values for loan amount, I wrote "B2" in that box. Pressing "OK" cuased the screen to change as shown:

If you wanted to find values when two variables change, you need to lay the table out a bit differently. The figure below shows a 2-way table - we want a payment amount asking What-if when we change both the amount and the interest rate:

Note the amount still goeas in a column, now A10:A19, and the interest rates to try go in the row above: B9:D9. The formula ("=b6") moves to the upper-lefthand corner of the table: A9. Highlight A9:D19, select "Data" and "Table". Again, its important that the data in the row (interest rate) goes in cell B3, while the data in the column (amount) goes in B2. Press "OK", and the table is completed:

Note the answer in C10 corresponds to the original input: $75,000 at 6.9% yields a payment amount of $493.95.