Department of Technology

TECH 394 - Tech Computer Applications

Summer 2004

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Programming Assignment 1

Purpose: This assignment is intended to demonstrate your skills with :

  • Variable declaration and assignment
  • InputBox and MsgBox functions,
  • text manipulation and concatenation
  • the If-Then-Else decision structure

The completed assignment should do the following:

  1. Using InputBox, ask the user for their first name, last name, and Dragon ID number.

  2. Store the input values in separate memory variables named vFirst, vLast, and vID, respectively.

  3. Use a message box to ask the user if the displayed values are correct.  If they respond "Yes", move on to step 4.  If not, have the macro display a message and stop.

  4. Determine a user code by joining the first three letters of the user’s last name, and the first letter of the user’s first name with the last 4 digits of their Dragon ID number. For example, if John Smith’s Dragon ID is 00124578, his code should be "SMIJ4578".

  5. Use a message box to display the user’s name (Last name, First name) and their user code.

This project is worth 20 points.  The grading for this project will be as follows:

To earn 70 percent (14 points) your program must::

  • Use the DIM declaration to create five text variables, vFirst, vLast, vid, vOut, and vCode
  • Pop up three input boxes to ask for the user's first name, last name, and Dragon ID
  • Use assignment statements to store the collected information in the appropriate variable.
  • Use MsgBox to display the data as the user entered it:
    • Use text strings and the ampersand (&) to display each item with a label
      i.e. First Name: Ron
    • Use the vbCrLf constant to display each piece of information on its own line.
    • Store the completed text string in the variable vOut
    • Use MsgBox to display the message in vOut

Your message box may look like this:

To earn 80% (16 points), do the above plus:

  • Using the Right( ) and Left( ) functions, get the macro to generate the user code.
  • Use an assignment statement to store the user code in vCode

To earn 90% (18 points), do the above plus: 

  • Create a text string to display the user's name, last name first (Smith, John).
  • Use MsgBox to display the user's full name and user code.

To earn 100% (20 points), do the above plus: 

  • Expand the MsgBox function in the 70% assignment to display two buttons marked Yes and No.

  • Using an If-Then-Else statement, ask the user if their data is acceptable.
    • If they answer yes, display the MsgBox described in the 90% assignment above.
    • If not, display a message asking the user to start again, and stop the macro.