MAPS-NGP Catalog of Galaxies (Cabanela, 1999) ================================================================================ Galaxy Properties from a Diameter-Limited Catalog Cabanela J.E. 1999 Ph.D. Thesis ================================================================================ Abstract (of PhD Thesis) I am using the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner (APS) to construct two galaxy catalogs. The Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner Pisces-Perseus Survey (MAPS-PP) is used to search for modern-day remnant signatures of large-scale structure formation processes, specifically, galaxy alignments relative to surrounding large-scale structure. Weak evidence for such alignments is found, although the type of alignments seen don1t strongly support any one large-scale structure formation model. Comparison of the MAPS-PP to pre-existing galaxy catalogs has led to the discovery that the Uppsala General Catalog and Third Reference Catalog of Galaxies exhibit a very strong measurement bias: their diameters are measured to different isophotes at different galaxy inclinations. Therefore previous determinations of the diameter function and the internal extinction properties of other galaxies (most of which have relied on one of these two galaxy catalogs) have suffered from a biased diameter measurement. I avoid this bias by using the APS data (which is obtained using automated computer-based criteria for measuring the structural properties of images digitized from photographic plates) to construct a catalog of over 200,000 galaxies within 30 degrees of the North Galactic Pole (the MAPS-NGP). The MAPS-NGP is the deepest galaxy catalog constructed over such a large area of the sky and used to re-evaluate previous investigations of the internal extinction in galaxies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This catalog contains information for 217768 unique objects (all plate overlap duplicates have been eliminated) with major-axis diameters greater than 10 arcseconds in O (blue) and identified as "non-stellar" by the APS. Care has been taken to remove known sources of non-extragalactic contamination including SAO star halos, POSS I ghost images of bright stars, low surface brightness material around bright galaxies, and Galactic globular clusters. The datafile ( for the MAPS-NGP was translated from its original binary encoded format to a TAB-delimited ASCII format and then GZIP compressed to allow easy transportability between systems, regardless of byte-order issues. This version of the MAPS-NGP galaxy catalog preserves the full resolution of data as stored in the Revised Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner Catalog of the POSS I (a.k.a. StarBase2). For more through documentation of how these image parameters are obtained, you may visit the APS WWW site or look at some of the references listed at the end of this README file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data File Format Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: These are not fixed-width columns, these are TAB delimited. There is one header line containing the VARIABLE_NAME of the data in each column. A unique name for each object can be constructed using the MLN number and O image raster number and the convention for object references at the APS is P[MLN]_[starnumO]. (e.g. The object with O image raster number 34523 on the POSS I field with modified Luyten number 323 is refered to as P323_34523). # VARIABLE_NAME DESCRIPTION 1 MLN Modified Luyten number for field 2 POSS Original POSS field number 3 starnumO O image raster number (this is a unique number for each object on a given plate) 4 XsctO X position of image centroid from plate corner (in encoder resolution elements [ERE]) 5 YsctO Y position of image centroid from plate corner (in EREs) 6 raO Right Ascension (1950) determined from O plate image centroid 7 decO Declination (1950) determined from O plate image centroid 8 diaO Major-axis diameter (in arcseconds) from O plate image 9 magiO Integrated magnitude from O plate image 10 magdO magnitude from O plate image using D-M relation for stars 11 thetaO Major-axis position angle (N to E) from O plate image 12 ellO Ellipticity from O plate image 13 galnodO galnode value representing the certainty with which the artificial neural network classifier has classed this object as "non-stellar" based on O plate image 14 rmom2O Second Moment of O plate image 15 saturationO Percent saturation of O plate image 16 avg_inO Average transmittance of O plate image 17 mean_sbO Mean surface brightness (in mag/asec^2) of O plate image 18 ReffO Effective (half-light) radius from O 19 C31O C31 concentration index from O plate. The ratio of the 100% light radius to 50% light radius 20 C32O C32 concentration index from O plate. The ratio of the 100% light radius to 75% light radius 21 C21O C21 concentration index from O plate. The ratio of the 75% light radius to 50% light radius 22 starnumE E image raster number 23 XsctE X position of image centroid from plate corner (in encoder resolution elements [ERE]) 24 YsctE Y position of image centroid from plate corner (in EREs) 25 raE Right Ascension (1950) determined from E plate image centroid 26 decE Declination (1950) determined from E plate image centroid 27 diaE Major-axis diameter (in arcseconds) from E plate image 28 magiE Integrated magnitude from E plate image 29 magdE magnitude from E plate image using D-M relation for stars 30 thetaE Major-axis position angle (N to E) from E plate image 31 ellE Ellipticity from E plate image 32 galnodE galnode value representing the certainty with which the artificial neural network classifier has classed this object as "non-stellar" based on E plate image 33 rmom2E Second Moment of E plate image 34 saturationE Percent saturation of E plate image 35 avg_inE Average transmittance of E plate image 36 mean_sbE Mean surface brightness (in mag/asec^2) of E plate image 37 ReffE Effective (half-light) radius from E 38 C31E C31 concentration index from E plate. The ratio of the 100% light radius to 50% light radius 39 C32E C32 concentration index from E plate. The ratio of the 100% light radius to 75% light radius 40 C21E C21 concentration index from E plate. The ratio of the 75% light radius to 50% light radius 41 Ebv_B E(B-V) determined by bilinear interpolation of Burstein & Heiles [1982] extinction estimates. 42 Ebv_S E(B-V) determined from Schlegel, etal [1998] extinction estimates. 43 flag O and E imgpars flags (10*Oflag + Eflag). Use of any image with a non-zero flag may be suspect in certain situations. flag value Cause 1 bad fuz value 2 bad jitter value 3 bad SASORT ellipticity (note: ellipticities are recomputed during data reduction, so this flag is somewhat unimportant) 4 image crosses stripe boundary, likely to be clipped (inaccurate image parameters likely) 6 computed sky density is negative 44 color O-E color of the object computed using intergrated magnitudes. 45 colord O-E color of the object computed using D-M relation magnitudes. 46 dens Estimated local surface density of MAPS-NGP galaxies (in galaxies/degree^2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burstein, D. and Heiles, C. 1982, AJ, 87, 1165. Cabanela, J. E. 1999, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota. Cabanela, J. E. and Aldering, G. L. 1998, AJ, 106, 1094. Cabanela, J. E. and Dickey, J. M. 1999, AJ, 118, 46. Pennington, R. L., Humphreys, R. M., Odewahn, S. C., Zumach, W., Thurmes, P. M. 1993, PASP, 105, 521. Odewahn, S. C., Humphreys, R. M., Aldering, G., and Thurmes, P. 1993, PASP, 105, 1354. Odewahn, S. C., Stockwell, E. B., Pennington, R. L., Humphreys, R. M., and Zumach, W. A. 1992, AJ, 103, 318. Odewahn, S. C. and Aldering, G. L. 1995, AJ, 110, 2009. [NOTE: Odewahn & Aldering 1995 provide an incorrect definition for APS concentration indicies, the correct defintions are those provided in this README document.] Schlegel, D., Finkbeiner, D.P., and Davis, M. 1998, AJ, 500, 525. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current (09/2001) Author Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Juan Cabanela Email: See web page below Haverford College Work: (610) 896-1321 370 Lancaster Avenue Fax: (610) 896-4904 Haverford, PA 19041 WWW: