Math 304-Fall 2014

Informal Geometry

Syllabus (This is a pdf file and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Unit 1- Statistics and Probablity - Chapters 9 & 10

Unit 2 - Geometry, Constructions, Congruence, & Similarity - Chapters 11 & 12

Unit 3 - Measurement, Motion Geometry & Tessellations - Chapters 13 & 14

Final Exam over Chapters 9 - 14 on Dec. 11th at 11:30 am

Measurement Project (Examples, Rubric, State Standards)

Progress Report updated 12/2 (User Name is: Last Name, First Name and pswd is: last three digits of your dragon ID #)

Course Resources:

National Library for Virtual Manipulatives virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials for mathematics instruction (K-12 emphasis)

Geometry Center-Triangle Tilings and Polyhedra, Symmetry and Tiling, and Tetrahedral Puzzles

Interactive Math Website - Many math sites that include the above sites and over 20 others to explore

Illuminations-Graph paper and other creation tools

3-D Geometry

MATHS: Measures, Shape & Space, Area & Perimeter

Mathematical Reasoning with NRICH

Hooda Math - Is a site with math games, tutorials, worksheets, and movies (some strange ones)

State Math Standards:

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