Twenty Questions Before Teaching

 Identify at least two of questions from those listed below that you feel you need the most preparation on in this course.

1.     Is the room prepared?  Is furniture arranged to promote desired learning?  Is the environment conducive to what I intend to teach?

2.     Do I have a plan for getting students into the room and settled in their seats? 

3.     Have I thought of a “motivational opener” to make the transition from the last class they attended to this one?

4.     Can I give the students a preview (advanced organizers) of what we’ll be doing during the period so they’ll know what to expect?

5.     Have I estimated the time required for each activity this period?

6.     Are the major concepts for this lesson covered by my planned activities?

7.     Are the essential facts I want taught in the materials to be used?

8.     Have I planned for the appropriate level of affect desired?

9.     Have I planned to allow each student to participate at an appropriate level of learning?

10.  Are the necessary and appropriate materials present in the room?

11.  Do I have a plan for discussion?  Have I clarified what kind of discussion will contribute to the lesson objectives?

12.  Have I planned for relevance?  Do I have some real-life examples?

13.  Have I considered handout procedure and steps for collecting homework?

14.  How will I involve special students in this lesson?

15.  What is my plan for grouping?  What direction will I give?

16.  Do I have a plan for possible deviant behavior today?

17.  Do I want to emphasize a certain format/standards for today’s homework or assignment?

18.  What kind of test questions would I ask about today’s material?  Do I want to share these expectations with students?

19.  What kind of technique will I use for closure of today’s class?

20.  What is my procedure for dismissal of the class?

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