Part I-
Due Tues. March 27th or Wed. March 28th depending on which day your
class meets.
This first part of your unit plan should contain:
Daily Objectives (10 pts)
Homework (5 pts)
Modifications to assignments for a student with an Individual
Education Plan, IEP, that identifies that
the student is reading at a 4th grade level and would
benefit from structured assignments.
Pick one day in this unit and complete your second lesson plan- your choice of formats, but it must have objectives identified, approximate times for the different parts of the lesson, and at least 4 "good" questions for the students that target the objectives.( 20 pts for this alone)
Part II- Due Tues April 10th or Wed April 11th depending on which day your class meets.
the form of at least one quiz and one test.
Incorporates the daily objects (10 pts)
Questions require a variety of thinking (knowledge, analysis,
synthesis,...) (5 pts)
Questions clearly and correctly phrased (5 pts)
Reasonable length time allotted and space provided for work (5 pts)
Modifications to assessments for a student with an Individual Education
Plan, IEP, that identifies that to
address the student’s low reading ability he/she is to have additional
time provided on exams or the exams are to be shortened. (5 pts)
Total ______/50 pts