Unit 2

EOO = Every other odd problem

 Date        Sections/pages          Assignment

Sept. 22nd       2.6-2.7             Applications

                    2.6          page 127    All odds 1-13, all odds 17-39 all

                    2.7          page 133    1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, odds 25-29

Sept. 23th     2.8-2.9           Linear and Compound Inequalities

                    2.8          page 142    Every other odd 1, 5…73, and 59, 60, 77-82 all

                    2.9          page 147    Every other odd 1, 5…53, 42-44 all, and 55-68 all

& Application Handout-Due Friday

Sept 26th       3.1-3.2             Graphing Ordered Pairs, Solutions to Linear Equations

                                                in Two Variables

                        3.1            page 162      Every other odd 1-25, all 29-32, 37-49, 51, 53

                        3.2            page 171      EOO 1-37, 39, odds 41-49

Sept. 30th      3.3-3.4             Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables, Intercepts

                        3.3            page 180      Every other odd 1, 5…37, all 39-44, 45, 47, odds 49-55

                        3.4            page 187      Every other odd 1, 5…33, all odds 35-45, odds 47-51

Oct. 3rd           3.5-3.6             Slope of a Line, Finding the Equation of a Line

                        3.5            page 193      Every other odd 1-37, 39, odds 41-47

                        3.6            page 203      Every other odd 1, 5…37, odds 39-53, 55-64 all

Oct. 7th            3.7                   Linear Inequalities in Two Variables

                        3.7            page 210      Every other odd 1-25, 29-41 all
                        & Lab 13

Oct. 9th             Review for Exam

Oct. 13th             Exam 2