Math 090

Unit 4

 Date         Sections/pages          Assignment

Nov. 10 th             6.1            Greatest Common Factor &Factoring by Grouping

                      6.1           page 322     All odds 1-69, odds 73-79                    

Nov. 13th            6.2-6.3            Factoring Trinomials

6.2           page 327     Every other odd 1, 5, ...,69, odds 73-83

      6.3           page 333     Every other odd 1, 5,...,61, odds 65-71

Nov. 17th           6.2-6.3            Factoring Difference of Two Squares, General Factoring

6.4           page 337           Every other odd 1, 5,...,69, 71-74 all

         6.5           page 342     Every other odd 1, 5,...,61, odds 65-73

Nov. 20th            6.6-6.7            Solving Equations by Factoring, Applications

                      6.6           page 347     Every other odd 1, 5,...,73, 79-84 all

                      6.7           page 356     Every other odd 1-25, 27, 29, all 33-36, all 39-46

Nov. 21st            Review for Exam 4

Nov. 24th             EXAM GIVEN IN LAB SESSION

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