Math 316 

Assistance in at least one Mathematics Enrichment Activity

Due within 1 Week of the Activity

Outside of class you are expected to take part in at least one of the following and type up your response to the following questions: 

Tri-College Math Meet - Junior division held Monday, February 26th, from noon -2:30 at Concordia College Moorhead, MN. (15 students) 

Longfellow Elementary Math Fair - Grades 3-6 held Thursday, March 1st, from 5:15-7:30 at  Longfellow Elementary located at 20 29th Avenue, Fargo. (12 students) 

Science Olympiad-Junior & Senior High held Friday, February 2nd, 9-11am or 11-1 pm at Minnesota State University Moorhead.  (5 students)

Expanding your Horizons- For girls grades 7-9 held Saturday, April 21st, from 9:30-12:00 at Minnesota State University Moorhead. (4 students)

You may also identify other math enrichment activities for middle school students that you may assist with, but these should be approved by Mr. Harms.

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