Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles
Compounding and Coordination
Subordinate Adverb Clauses
Subordinate Noun Clauses
Subordinate Adjective Clauses
Reduced Subordinate Clauses
Focus Structures
Logical Connectors


Sentence Complexity and Embedding



Activity 13.8: Not Only … But Also …

Study these sentences and note which ones are grammatical and which aren’t by writing G or U in front of each.  Next circle the conjunctions in each and then underline the two constituents that the conjunctions connect.  Try to explain to yourself what is abnormal about the ungrammatical sentences.

*1. Not only he doesn’t eat meat, but also he doesn’t eat fish.
*2. Not only he eats meat, but also he doesn’t eat fish.
*3. Not only he eats meat, but also he eats fish.
?4. Not only does he eat meat, but also he eats fish.
5. Not only does he eat meat, but he also eats fish.
*6. Not only doesn’t he eat meat, but also he doesn’t eat fish.
7. Not only doesn’t he eat meat, but he also doesn’t eat fish.


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