Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles
Compounding and Coordination
Subordinate Adverb Clauses
Subordinate Noun Clauses
Subordinate Adjective Clauses
Reduced Subordinate Clauses
Focus Structures
Logical Connectors


Sentence Complexity and Embedding

Gerunds, Infinitives and Participles

Activity 12.10: Answers

Exercise 1: Read the sentences below and mark ungrammatical sentences with an asterisk.  Explain what is wrong with them.

  1. The graduate student marking the papers made a mistake.
  2. *The graduate student marked the papers made a mistake.
  3. The papers marked by the graduate student contained errors.
  4. *The papers marking by the graduate student contained errors.
  5. The student incensed at the result lodged a protest.
  6. *The student incensing at the result lodged a protest.
  7. The students receiving the grades became unhappy.
  8. *The students received the results became unhappy.


Exercise 2: What is the difference in meaning between the –ing form and the –en form in a participle phrase?

The –ing form has an active meaning, and the –ed form has a passive meaning


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