2.3 Distance and Ruler Axioms
at the outset geometry is reported to have concerned herself with measurement
of muddy land, she now handles celestial as well as terrestrial problems: she
has extended her domain to the furthest bounds of space.
—W. B. Frankland, The Story of
For most common day-to-day measurements
of length, we use rulers, meter sticks, or tape measures. The distance and
ruler postulates formalize our basic assumptions of these items into a general
geometric axiomatic system. The SMSG Ruler Postulate defines a correspondence
between the points on a line (markings on a meter stick)
and the real numbers (units
of measurement) in such a manner that the absolute value of the difference
between the real numbers is equal to the distance (measurement of the length of
an object by a
meter stick matches our usual Euclidean distance). The Ruler
Placement Postulate basically says that it does not matter how we place a meter
stick to measure the distance between two points; that is, the origin (end of
the meter stick) does not need to be at one of the two given points.
Postulate 2.
(Distance Postulate) To every pair of distinct points there corresponds
a unique positive number. This number is called the distance between the two
Postulate 3. (Ruler Postulate) The points of a line can be placed in a correspondence with the real numbers such that:
i. To every point of the line there corresponds exactly one real number.
ii. To every real number there corresponds exactly one point of the line.
iii. The distance between two distinct points is the absolute value of the difference of the corresponding real numbers.
Postulate 4.
(Ruler Placement Postulate) Given two points P and Q
of a line, the coordinate system can be chosen in such a way that the
coordinate of P is zero and the coordinate of Q is
By Proposition 2.1 and the
accompanying exercises, the Euclidean plane, Taxicab plane, Max-distance plane,
Missing Strip plane, Poincaré Half-plane, Modified Riemann Sphere, and discrete
planes all satisfy the Distance Postulate. Tools for working with rulers in
Geometer's Sketchpad are available in the
Appendix B Prepared Geometer's Sketchpad
and GeoGebra
A ruler
or coordinate
system is a function mapping the points of a line into the real
numbers, that satisfies SMSG Postulate 3.
Note the first and second
conditions of the Ruler Postulate imply that f is a one-to-one and onto function. As a reminder, we write the
definitions for one-to-one and onto functions.
Definition. A function f from A to B is onto B if for any b in B
there is at least one a in A such that f(a) = b.
Definition. A function f from A to B is one-to-one if for any x and y in A with then
the contrapositive of this definition is often used in writing proofs.)
Proposition 2.4. The Euclidean Plane satisfies the Ruler Postulate.
Before we begin
the proof, we do some scratch work to find the correct form for the rulers for
the lines. We need a relationship between the distance and a ruler, so we begin
with the distance function. First, consider a vertical line
la, which has all the first coordinates the same.
This motivates the definition for the standard ruler of a vertical line la to be f(a, y) = y. Next, consider a nonvertical line lm,b.
which motivates the definition for the standard ruler of a
nonvertical line lm,b to
be .
an example, consider the simplest nonvertical line, y = x. The points (0, 0),
(1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) are on the line. What is the distance from (0, 0) to
(1, 1)? From (1, 1) to (2, 2)? From (1,
1) to (3, 3)? Note the standard ruler
for this line is
The coordinates for the four points determined by the standard ruler are 0,
respectively. By subtracting the appropriate coordinates of the ruler, do you
obtain the distance between the points?
In the "real-world"
sense, the standard ruler (coordinate system) is the placement of a meter stick
such that the zero end is at the y-axis
along any line through that point on the y-axis.
Proof. Let l be a line in the Euclidean Plane. Then l is either a vertical line or a nonvertical line.
Case 1. Assume l = la
a vertical line. Define by f(a, y) = y. We need to show the three conditions. First, show f is one-to-one. Let (x1, y1)
and (x2, y2) be points on
la. We have
x1 =
x2 = a. Suppose f(x1, y1) = f(x2, y2). Then
= y2 by the definition of f.
Thus (x1, y1) = (a, y1) = (a, y2)
= (x2, y2). Hence f
is one-to-one. We next show f is onto. Let r be any real number. Consider the point (a, r) on line
Note f(a, r) = r. Hence f
maps the line onto the real numbers. Finally, we show the distance
condition. Let P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2) be points on line
la. We have
= x2 = a. Thus
Case 2. Assume l =
lm,b is a nonvertical
line. Define by
We first show f is one-to-one. Let (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) be points on
lm,b. Suppose f(x1, y1) = f(x2, y2). Then
Hence, x1 =
x2. We then have
y1 = mx1 + b =
mx2 + b =
y2. Thus (x1, y1) = (x2, y2). Hence f is one-to-one. We next show f is onto. Let r be any real number. Consider the point
Hence f is onto. Finally, we show the distance condition. Let P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2) be points on line lm,b.
Therefore, by Cases 1 and 2, an arbitrary line in the Euclidean plane has a ruler (coordinate system).//
As was discussed in Chapter 1,
axioms need not be independent, which is the case with the Ruler Placement
2.5. The Ruler Placement Postulate is not independent of the other axioms.
Outline of the proof. We need
to show that given two distinct points P
and Q on a line l, there is a ruler that
satisfies the conditions that the coordinate of point P is zero, and the coordinate of point Q is positive.
Assume is a ruler. (Why do we know a line and a ruler exist?)
Let P and Q be two distinct
points on l.
Set .
Define by g(A) = k[f(A) – f(P)] for all points A on l. (Why is
g defined this way?)
Show g satisfies the conditions of the Ruler Postulate, i.e. show g is one-to-one, show g is onto, and show g satisfies the distance condition.
Show g(P) = 0 and g(Q)
> 0.//
A point B is between
points A and C, denoted A-B-C,
if {A, B, C} is a collinear
set of three distinct points and AB +
BC = AC. (Here, AB represents the distance from A to B,
i.e. d(A, B) = AB.)
A line segment is the union of two
distinct points and all points between those two points, denoted either as
segment AB or .
The points A and B are called the endpoints of segment AB.
Two segments are congruent
if they have the same measure, denoted .
A point M is the midpoint of
segment AB if AM = MB and {A, M, B} is
bisector of a segment is a line that contains the midpoint of
the segment.
A ray AB is the union of the
segment AB and the set of all points C such that B is between A and C, denoted either as ray AB or .
The point A is called the endpoint
of the ray AB. (Note ray AB and ray BA are different rays.)
triangle is the union of three segments determined by three
noncollinear points, i,e.,
triangle ABC is the union of segment AB, segment AC,
and segment BC. Each of the three noncollinear points that
determine a triangle is called a vertex of
the triangle.
2.17. Find the axioms from a high school geometry book that
correspond to SMSG Postulates 2, 3, and 4.
2.18. How do the SMSG Postulates 3 and 4 relate to "real-world"
2.19. For each model (Euclidean,
Missing Strip, and
Poincaré Half-plane) find a ruler where f(P) = 0 and f(Q) > 0 for (a) P(3,
4) and Q(3, 7); and (b) P(–1, 3) and Q(1, 2).
2.20. Complete the proof that the Ruler Placement Postulate is not
independent, Theorem 2.5.
2.21. Show the stated model satisfies SMSG Postulate 3, the Ruler
Postulate, for (a) Taxicab Plane; (b)
Max-Distance Plane; (c)
Missing Strip Plane; and (d)
Poincaré Half-plane.
2.22. Does the Modified Riemann Sphere satisfy SMSG Postulate 3, the Ruler
Postulate? Explain.
2.23. Explain why collinear is necessary in the definition of betweenness.
(Hint. Look for an example in either the
Taxicab or Max-distance plane where the distance condition is satisfied, but
the point would not be on the line.)
2.24. Prove a segment has a unique midpoint.
2.25. Find the midpoint of the segment AB
for each model (Euclidean, Taxicab, Max-distance, Missing Strip, and Poincaré
Half-Plane) where (a) A(1, 1) and B(1, 5); and (b) A(–1,
1) and B(3, 2). (Show the work using the standard ruler for each
2.26. Find the ray AB for each
model (Cartesian, Missing Strip, and Poincaré Half-plane) where (a) A(–3,
1) and B(–3, 7); and (b) A(–1, 5) and B(3, 1).
2.27. An equivalence relation, ~, is a relation on a set that satisfies
each of the following: (i) a ~ a (reflexive property) (ii) If a ~ b, then b ~ a. (symmetric
property) (iii) If a ~ b
and b ~
c, then a ~ c. (transitive property).
Prove that is an equivalence relation for the set of all
measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have
accomplished with your ability.
—John Wooden (1910–2010)
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