for Exercise 2.10. Sketch and describe a circle for each model.
I am interested in mathematics only as
a creative art.
—Godfrey H. Hardy (1877–1947)
The equation and at least one general diagram is given for each circle with center (a, b) and radius r. Try to derive the equations for each circle.
Taxicab Circle
|x – a| + |y – b| = r
Euclidean Circle
(x – a)2 + (y – b)2
= r2
Max-distance Circle
max{|x – a| , |y – b|} = r
Poincaré Half-plane Circle
(x – a)2 + (y – bcosh
r)2 = (bsinh r)2
Missing-Strip Circles
For 0 <= a – 1 < r and x < 0, (Euclidean otherwise)
(Note the division, /, in each equation.)
(x – a)2 + (y – b)2
= r2[1
– (2(x – a) + 1)/(x – a + 1)2]
For –r < a < 0 and x >= 1, (Euclidean otherwise)
(x – a)2 + (y – b)2
= r2[1
+ (2(x – a) – 1)/(x – a – 1)2]
For a <= –r or a – 1 >= r,
(x – a)2 + (y – b)2
= r2
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