Solution to Exercise 3.17.
The good Lord made us with two ends–one to sit on and one to think with. How well you succeed in life depends on which one you use.
—Isaac Dworetsky

Exercise 3.17. The steps in the converse of the proof of Proposition 3.1 are reversible, but require that the nontrivial solution, [
1, a2, a3], of the matrix equation cannot have both a1 and a2 be zero. Prove that this is true, which completes the proof of the proposition. 

Proof. Let [a1, a2, a3] be a nontrivial solution of the matrix equation


We show that a1 and a2 cannot both be zero. Suppose they are both zero. Then


Hence, [a3, a3, a3] = [0, 0, 0], i.e. a3 = 0. Thus, [a1, a2, a3] is a trivial solution, which contradicts that [a1, a2, a3] is a nontrivial solution. Therefore, [a1, a2, a3] is a line since that a1 and a2 cannot both be zero.//

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  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead

© Copyright 2005, 2006 - Timothy Peil