Solution to Exercise 3.18.
My method to overcome a difficulty is to go round it..
Exit book to another website.George Polyá (1887–1985)

Exercise 3.18. Prove Proposition 3.2.
Three distinct lines l, m, and n are all concurrent or all parallel if and only if the determinant


Assume three distinct lines l, m, and n are concurrent. Let (x1, x2, 1) be the point of concurrency. Hence,

, ,  

if and only if

x1l1+ x2l2+ l3 = 0
x1m1+ x2m2+ m3 = 0

x1n1+ x2n2+ n3 = 0

if and only if


The homogeneous equation has a nontrivial solution (x1, x2, 1); therefore,  

        Next, consider the converse. Assume  Then  has a nontrivial solution (a, b, c). Note that if c is nonzero, then  is also a solution, which is a point of concurrency of the three lines by the first paragraph of the proof. Hence, assume c = 0. Thus,


Similar to the proof of the first paragraph, the first pair of equations has a nontrivial solution provided  Hence, l1m2 – l2m1 = 0. If l1 = 0, then l2m1 = 0. Since l1 and l2 cannot both be zero, m1 = 0. Thus, lines l[0, l2, l3] and m[0, m2, m3] are parallel. Apply a similar argument for l2 = 0. Hence, assume l1 and l2 are nonzero. Thus,  Hence, m1 = k1l1 and m2 = k1l2. Therefore, lines l and m are parallel. A similar argument may be used for the lines l and n.//

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  Timothy Peil  Mathematics Dept.  MSU Moorhead

© Copyright 2005, 2006 - Timothy Peil