4.6.4 Alternate
Construction of a Projectivity
Mathematicians create by acts of insight
and intuition. Logic then sanctions the conquests of intuition.
Kline (1908–1992)
Here, we will formalize the definitions
and results from the investigation on the
previous page.
Definition. Given two distinct pencils of points with axes p and p', the points A, B on p and corresponding points A', B' on p' determine lines AB' and BA' called cross joins.
Your exploration of the problem should have led to conjecturing the following
theorem known as the Theorem of Pappus after
Pappus of Alexandria (290-350).
Theorem 4.15.
(Theorem of Pappus) A projectivity between two distinct pencils of points determines a line, which
contains the intersection of the cross joins of any two pairs of corresponding
Proof. Let p
and p' be the axes of two distinct
related pencils of points. Assume P =
p ·
p' and such that P
is none of the six points A, B, C, A',
B', C'. Note the line AA' and the cross joins from
A and A' determine two elementary correspondences
we have
Since line AA' maps to itself through the projectivity, the dual of
Corollary 4.12
implies that there exists a line h
such that this
projectivity is a
perspectivity with axis h,
, and does not depend on the choice of B
and C.
Hence, the intersection of the cross joins containing A and A', such
as A'B ·
AB' and A'C ·
AC', are on h.
We need to show the line h is unique
and contains the intersections of all pairs of cross joins .
Since the above derivation of h used
the line AA', we need to show that h is independent of this choice. That is, we need to show that the choice
of BB', CC', or some other corresponding pair of points would
determine the same line h.
Assume hx is determined from XX' where X
and X' are corresponding points from the projectivity that are distinct
from P. Since P is common to both pencils p and p',
let Q be the pre-image of P, i.e., Q' = P, and let R'
be the image of P under the projectivity, i.e., P = R. Thus,
X'Q ·
XQ' = X'Q ·
XP = Q and X'R ·
XR' = X'P ·
XR' = R'. Hence, Q and R' are on line hx.
If Q and R' are distinct, then hx = QR'
for any choice of XX'. If Q and R' are not distinct,
then Q = R' = P. Let S = X'Y ·
XY' which is on lines determined from XX' and YY'.
Hence, hx = PS = hy; that is, the
determined line is the same line for any choice of XX' and YY'.
By the Fundamental Theorem, the image and pre-image of P are unique; therefore, by both cases, h is uniquely determined by Q and R'.
The projectivity determines a unique line
h that
contains the intersection of the cross joins of any two pairs of corresponding
Definition. The line containing the intersections of the cross joins between the two pencils of points is called the axis of homology. The point containing the intersection of the lines determined by the cross joins between two pencils of lines is called the center of homology.
Exercise 4.39. Construct the axis of homology for two projectively related pencils of points. Then use the construction to determine an image of an arbitrary point. (May use dynamic geometry software.)
Exercise 4.40. Construct the center of homology for two projectively related pencils of lines. Then use the construction to determine an image of an arbitrary line. (May use dynamic geometry software.)
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