Dr. Michael J. Krajewski Assistant Professor of Music Industry and Guitar Studies


Additional Requirements
Guitar Juries
All students registered for guitar lessons are required to play a jury at the end of each semester. The jury will include material from the curriculum stated above. Please make sure you refer to the requirements of each level to ensure you are prepared for the material you will be tested on. Those students taking a guitar class will have a final exam that will serve as their jury. It is encouraged that each student do they best of their ability at the final exam of the second semester of the guitar class to ensure they move on to private lessons and obtain 200 level status.. Guitar Recitals - MUS 450
ALL students enrolled in MUS 450 are REQUIRED to be enrolled in private lessons. Performance majors must present a Junior and Senior recital. The Junior recital is thirty minutes and the Senior is one hour in length. Music Education majors must present one thirty minute recital. Repertoire for the Junior and Senior recital must be approved during the first week of the semester in which the recital will take place. One month before the recital each study will perform a recital jury. At this time the student will be asked to play excerpts from their recital. The jury will last 30 minutes and three members of the music faculty will be present. Students are required to PASS the jury in order to play their recital. In order to make sure that your recital is recorded, please make sure you contact Professor Jackson (jacksonr@mnstate.edu) to confirm your recital day/time. MUS 328 - Guitar Ensemble
All guitar students are encouraged to audition for the MSUM guitar ensemble. Auditions consist of sight reading, chord comping and soloing. Auditions for the ensemble will take place during the first week of the Fall and about week 10 of the fall semester for spring enrollment. Please email me at michael.krajewski@mnstate.edu for sample reading examples. Each semester students will create an arrangement for the ensemble. This will included charts for five guitars plus a rhythm section. All arrangements must be created in Sibelius or Finale. During the Guitar Ensemble concerts, students are encouraged to perform chord solos.
michael.krajewski@mnstate.edu ©2012-15