Dr. Michael J. Krajewski Assistant Professor of Music Industry and Guitar Studies


Level 100 Guitar Lessons
B.A. Music Industry, B.S. Music Education, B.A. Music, and Music Minor Scales
Major Scales - Seven Position - Keys of C, F, G, Bb, D
Modes of the Major Scale
Minor Petatonic - Five Positions
Blues - Five Positions
Major Pentatonic
Open Position Major Scales - Keys of C, F, G, Bb, D, Eb, A, and E Chords
Open Position - Major, Minor, Major7, Dom 7, Min7, Sus and add9
Root 6, 5 and 4 - Maj7, Dom7, Min7, Min7b5 and Dim7
Chords contained in Book one of A Modern Method for Guitar
Diatonic Chords in Major Arpeggios
One Octave - Maj, Min, Aug, Dim, Maj7, Dom7, Min7, Min7b5 and Dim7 Reading
Note and chord reading in open and second position
Chart Reading Technique
Alternate Picking
String Bending
Sweep Picking

Jazz Standards
Popular Songs
Classical Etudes
Fingerstyle Additional Topics
Chord Melody
Soloing Vocabulary
michael.krajewski@mnstate.edu ©2012-15