Historical Geology GEOS 116 - Spring 2013
Exam Review
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Exam 1 = February 28th
Format - 50 pts
10 - 15 short answer questions
25 - 30 multiple choice
1 - 3 diagram descriptions
Topics Covered On Exam
Time and Rates of Change
Science and Historical Geology
Sedimentary Rocks
Interpreting Ancient Environments
Relative Time and Stratigraphy
Age Relations and Unconformities
Numerical Dating of Earth
Mountain Building and Drifting Continents
Review questions
- What is Historical Geology?
- What is the difference between the sources of energy that drive internal and
surface Earth processes?
- Why is it difficult to apply the scientific method to historical sciences
like historical geology?
- What are the major sedimentary processes?
- What is natural selection, and what aspects of this mechanism did Darwin not
understand in his day?
- What is a formation and why does it change laterally?
- What was Wegener’s evidence for continental drift, and why was this
hypothesis rejected?
- What characteristics of earth’s magnetic field can be used as evidence
for plate tectonics?
- What are the three types to tectonic plate boundaries?
- How do mountains form on earth
- If the continents that joined together to form Pangaea didn’t “drift”
into their current position, how did they move apart?
- What are the characteristics of the layers of earth involved in plate tectonics?
- What drives plate movement?
- How rapidly do the tectonic plates move? Is this sufficient for them to have
“drifted” the continents into their current positions?
- Why is Historical Geology Important?
- Why is the Earth constantly changing?
- What are the 4 major parts of the Earth System?
- What types of changes are more likely to have a long-lasting influence on
the earth system…short-term catastrophic change or long-term gradual
- What are the principles of Lateral continuity, Original horizontality, Superposition,
Cross-cutting relationships, and inclusions, and what do we use them for?
- What is uniformitarianism?
- What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
- Where and how do sediments become sedimentary rocks?
- How do sediments form?
- What characteristics of sedimentary rocks provide information about sediment
transport and depositional environments?
- What is a species, and why is this definition problematic for fossils?
- What are the mechanisms for the appearance of new species?
- What are the two ways in which new species appear in the fossil record?
- What is some of the evidence for evolution?
- What is a mass extinction and what causes them? What happens on earth after
a mass extinction?
- What are the three different types of unconformities and how do they form?
- What is the geologic time scale?
- Why do geologists treat time and rocks as separate entities…even going
so far as having different divisions or units when dealing with rock versus
- Why are sedimentary rocks/strata layered?
- What is eustatic sea level change and what controls it?
- What are some of the factors that influence local changes in sea level?
- What is biostratigraphy and why do we use it?
- What are the characteristics of a good index fossil?
- How do radioactive isotopes meet the requirements of an absolute geologic
- What is the half-life of a radioactive isotope?
- Why can’t we get numerical dates directly from sedimentary rocks?
- What is the geological definition of a mountain?
- What is Walther's Law?
- What do we mean by a places tectonic setting?
- How can we use trace fossils or sedimentary structures to interpret a places depositional environment.
- Why do we use fossils for time in stratigraphy, and why might we avoid fossils whose distribution is determined by environment?
check back again as
I will be adding questions
e-mail me
leonardk@mnstate.edu if you have any problems
Exam 2= May 2nd
Format - 50 pts
10 - 15 short answer questions
25 - 30 multiple choice
1 - 3 diagram descriptions
Topics Covered On Exam
Mountain Building and Drifting
Origin and Evolution of Earth
Early Life
Early Paleozoic
Middle Paleozoic
Review questions
What determines the type of sedimentary basin that occurs
in a region?
What are the various types of fossil preservation?
Most individual organisms that have lived on earth during
the long history of earth did not become fossils. Why? Also, what increases
the chances of fossil preservation?
How is the Archean different from the Proterozoic and the
modern Earth?
Which has the better fossil record, marine invertebrates
or terrestrial vertebrates? Why?
Why did life on earth remain virtually unchanged for over
a billion years?
Why was having a shell an important innovation for Cambrian
- How can you distinguish a brachiopod from a bivalve, and a gastropod from
a cephalopod?
- How can a single trilobite produce multiple fossils?
- What is a fossil?
- What is the difference between an index fossil and a facies fossil?
- At what type of plate boundary do very large mountains form?
- What drives plate motion?
- What is the “Big Bang” and what is the evidence for it?
- What is the nebular disk hypothesis and what is the evidence for it?
- Why is the earth layered?
- Were there any “leftovers” in the solar system following the
accretion of the sun and planets? What might they be? Have they had any impact
on earth history?
- How is Earth different from the other inner Planets?
- How is it that we know so much about the Interior of the Earth?
- Why does the earth have a magnetic field?
- Is the earth currently heating up, cooling off, or stable?
- Where did the atmosphere come from, and why is the composition so different
now as compared to when it formed?
- Heat flow was very much higher in the Archean than it is today. What was
plate tectonics like?
- How did continental crust form during the Archean?
- Why do geologists know so little about the Precambrian even though it spans
the first 4 billion years of Earth history?
- When and how did North America form?
- When did the first supercontinent form, and why did it eventually break
- When and why did the first mountain building event along the eastern part
of North America take place?
- Why did the abundance of stromatolites decline so rapidly after the Proterozoic?
- How is the Paleozoic Fauna different from the Cambrian Fauna?
- What did the Midcontinent Rift region become in the early Paleozoic?
- When did the first continental glaciation take place?
- What is a “BIF”?
- How can you tell if something is living?
- How did the early Earth meet the requirements for the formation of the “stuff”
of life?
- What were the earliest organisms on earth and in what types of environments
did they live?
- How did eukaryotes evolve from prokaryotes?
- What triggered the diversification of life, after life had remained unchanged
on earth for over 1 billion years?
- What is a Sloss Sequence?
- Why are intervals of Cambrian and Early Ordovician sediments thicker near
the edges of the North American continent, but thin in the interior?
- When does the Sauk Sequence begin and end?
- Where was North America during the Cambrian and Early Ordovician?
- Why did the Taconic Orogeny take place?
- Why did continental glaciation take place near the end of the Ordovician?
- Why did a mass extinction occur near the end of the Ordovician?
- How is the Paleozoic Fauna different from the Cambrian Fauna?
- What happened to many marine invertebrate groups after fish greatly diversified
in the Middle Paleozoic?
- What are some of the differences in life on earth during the Middle Paleozoic
as compared to the Early Paleozoic?
- When do mature “sheet” sandstones occur within the Sauk and
Tippecanoe sequences?
- When do foreland basins form?
- When do the major glacial events occur in the Paleozoic?
- Why do evaporates form in the upper Midwest during the Silurian?
- Why was the colonization of land by plants a very significant event in Earth
history, and what did plants have to overcome to accomplish this?
- How was the Acadian Orogeny different from the Taconic Orogeny?
check back again as
I will be adding questions
e-mail me
leonardk@mnstate.edu if you have any problems
Final Exam – Monday May 13th – 9 am
Format - 50 pts
50 - 75 multiple choice
Topics Covered On Exam
Comprehensive - so all topics listed above, plus the following
covered since the last exam:
Late Paleozoic
Review Questions
See the list above, plus the following covering material since
the last exam:
How do late Paleozoic cyclothems form and what do they
What are the three mountain building events that resulted
in the Appalachians and how are they different?
When was Pangea fully formed, and what was happening on
earth at this time?
How and why was plant life different during the Permian
and compared to the Pennsylvanian?
What innovations made it possible for amphibians to live
on land?
What innovation makes reptiles less dependent on water than
the amphibians?
How is the end Permian mass extinction different from other
Phanerozoic mass extinctions?
Why did Pangea break apart, and what did the breakup do
to the western part of North America?
How and why is the Mesozoic marine fauna so different from
the Paleozoic marine fauna?
e-mail me
leonardk@mnstate.edu if you have any problems