Earth Science Today GEOS 170 - Spring 2013

Exams and Review

scroll down for other exam reviews

Review - lecture quiz 1 - Friday Feb. 8

Format - 100 pts

15 short answer questions
30 - 45 multiple choice
3 - 5 simple sketches/diagrams

Topics Covered On Exam

What is Science :

Earth Systems
Atoms and Elements - What is a mineral?
The Rock Cycle & Rocks


Review questions

Review - lecture quiz 2 - Friday Mar. 8th

Format - 100 pts

15 short answer questions
30 - 45 multiple choice
3 - 5 simple sketches/diagrams

Topics Covered On Exam

Plate Tectonics - A scientific revolution

Plate Tectonics -  Mechanics & Boundaries
Volcanoes -  Types
Volcanoes -  Hazards and Predictions
Earthquakes - What are they?
Earthquakes - Hazards and Predictions
Seeing into the Earth

Review questions

check back again as I will be adding questions.......
e-mail me if you have any problems

Review - lecture quiz 3 - Friday, April 19th

Format - 50 pts

10 - 15 short answer questions
25 - 30 multiple choice
1 - 3 simple sketches Topics Covered On Exam

Geologic Time

What is a fossil?
How do we know so much about dinosaurs?
Distant Objects/Sun & Earth/Phases of the Moon/Planetary Processes

Review questions

check back again as I will be adding questions until ........
e-mail me if you have any problems

Final Exam

(9:30 section) = May 10th  - 9 am

(12:30 section) = May 10th  - Noon

Format - will include new material (since the last exam), plus comprehensive material

75- 100 multiple choice questions

New Topics

Dynamics of Weather


Review Questions - (new material - use the questions above for the comprehensive part)

New questions:

Helpfull Hints: Questions will attempt to focus on key concepts whenever possible, although with multiple choice questions you will have to know a few details.  Study your old exams and the questions above, and you shouldn't have any problems.  The key to taking these exams is reading the questions carefully, plus knowing the material....

e-mail me if you have any problems