Surface Processes
The Hydrologic Cycle
Hydrologic Cycle
=> solar powered circulation of Earth's water supply
=> Precipitation (meteoric water) on land leads to runoff and infiltration
=> runoff = streams
=> infiltration = groundwater
=> streams = the most important agent of erosion and transport
=> surface features produced by internal processes but are modified and sculpted by streams.........
Surface Runoff ==> Streams
• => gravity driven
*Stream = channelized flow of any size
=> parts = channel (bed and banks) & floodplain
Stream Formation
• Sheetwash
• Downcutting & headward erosion = channel
• Trunk streams & tributaries = drainage network
Drainage Patterns
• Controlled by geologic setting
• Dendritic, radial, rectangular, trellis
Drainage Basins and Divides
- A stream system occupies a drainage basin
- Stream systems are separated by divides
Streamflow: characterized by
1. Gradient: = slope of stream channel (ft/mi, m/km)
2. Channel characteristics: shape, size, bed conditions (friction)
3. Discharge: = volume/unit time (m3/sec)
=> cross-sectional area X velocity
Work of Streams - as a surface process
• 1) Erosion; 2) Transport; 3) Deposition
• Fluvial landforms
• Turbulent flow
• mechanisms = abrasion, hydraulic action, solution
Types of Stream Erosion
1. headward erosion
2. Downcutting
3. lateral erosion
=> accomplished in three ways - Loads:
1) dissolved load - ions in solution
2) suspended load - silt and clay
3) bed load (saltation and sliding) - sand and gravel
• takes place as velocity decreases and competence is reduced
=> 3 major depositional environments (fluvial)
1) Delta; 2) Alluvial Fan; 3) Channel and Flood deposits
• velocity decreases as stream enters lake or ocean
• Deposition => distributary channels
• Delta Growth => channel migration
• depositional features = 1) Prodelta, 2) Delta front, 3) Delta plain
• Progradation
• deltas shaped by fluvial processes plus tides and waves..
EX: Mississippi River Delta - a river-dominated delta
• Channel migration => the fate of New Orleans
Alluvial Fan
• velocity decreases due to abrupt change in stream gradient......
=> stream leaves mountains and enters broad flat valley
EX: Basin and Range Province
Channel and Flood Deposits
=> channel deposits = bars (sand and gravel)
• 2 types of streams: a) meandering, and b) braided
Meandering Streams
-> velocity greatest on outside of bend = erosion: cutbank
-> velocity is less on inside of bend= deposition: point bar
• meanders migrate and grow larger over time, if too large they are cut off.........oxbow lake......
braided streams
->more sediment available than stream can carry
->amount of sediment reduces velocity = deposition in channel
= mid-channel bars
Flood Deposits
=> as floodwaters recede, velocity reduced = deposition on floodplain (silt and clay)
=>during flood, current is slowest along edge of channel
produces=> natural levee
• Seasonal floods
• Flash flood
• Can be very costly
Recurrence of Floods
• 2 - year floods = 50% chance => small events
• 10 - year flood = 10% chance => moderate size
• 100 - year flood = 1% chance => very large floods
Flood Control
• Levees, bypass spillways, dams, channel modifications
• Greenbelts or floodways
• Downstream effects
Stream erosion has limits
Base Level
=> the downward limit of stream erosion:(downcutting)
=> two types 1) local; and 2) ultimate
Local or Temporary base level = lakes, waterfalls
Ultimate Baselevel = sea level
Local base level - waterfalls
=> streams erode to baselevel, but baselevel changes over time
Spectacular valleys and canyons represent major changes in base level
Tectonic Uplift = lower base level = valley incision
Changes in ultimate base level
• Changes in global sea level
• Valley incision
• Incised valley fill
• Terraces
Evolution of a Stream System
• Uplift & rejuvenation
• Downcutting and headward erosion - narrow floodplain
• Lateral erosion - wide floodplain
Stream Systems - downstream changes
—How could flooding be prevented or the damage from flooding be reduced in the F/M area?
F/M Geology & Flooding