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Karl W. Leonard

Associate Professor

Department of Anthropology and Earth Science

Phone: (218) 477-2682




MSUM Department of Anthropology and Earth Science

To: All Faculty

From: Karl Leonard

Subject: Excuse Slip

Please excuse the following students from class on Friday, October 26th, 2012.  They are attending an all-day field trip for the course GEOS 305 Oceanography. We are going to the Large Lakes Observatory in Duluth, MN.   Students in this course understand that they have to make up any missed work. 

Anderson, Lindsay J
Bartsch, Mackenzie J
Baune, Michael W
Beam, Blaine M
Beckermann, Kaysha M
Boehm, Chandler M
Donarski, Donovan D
Dziekan, Molly E
Elzen, Jacob H
Engeseth, Eva M
Entzminger, Bobbi J
Erickson, Paige M
Feela, Jamie L
Feils, Amanda J
Gordon, Brian M
Gruber, Margaret M
Hanson, Alyssa N
 Henrich, Jackson D
Highness, April M
Hoffman, Victoria M
Howe, Shane S
Huber, Ryan S
Jacobs, Natalie R
Keisling, Sarah E
 Kleba, Daniel D
Krolak, Danielle M
Kunz, Stephen E
 Larson, Jonathan D
 Lee, Megan A
Ludwig, Kaitlyn J 
Madsen, Katie A
McDonald, Kayla L
Moe, Jacob W
Murphy, Ian A
Nelsen, JoAnne S
Olson, Ashley M
Parbhunath, Chitrasen S
 Peterson, Jana L
 Pilch, Paul J
Reineccius, Amanda J
Sakrison, Derek L
Schaefbauer, Jacob T
Schmidt, Christa K
Snyder, Dustin W
 Sullivan, Nicole L
Sullivan, Samantha A
Sutton, Deardeary R
Ternes, Chardonnay J
Thurston, Nehemiah G
Wienckowski, Huston J



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