Introduction to Sed/Strat
Talk to the people next to you and answer the following questions:
• What is sedimentology?
• What is the purpose of sedimentology
• What is Stratigraphy?
• What is the purpose of stratigraphy?
• What is sedimentology?
– What are sediments?
– How do sediments form and what are the processes?
• What can sediments and sedimentary rocks tell us and why are they
• Tools of sedimentology
• Field Work
– Measuring and mapping
– Stratigraphic context
• Lab
– Petrography, paleontology, geochemistry (isotope and organic)
• What is Stratigraphy?
• What is the purpose of stratigraphy?
• Time and Space
• Predictions
• Reconstruct History - exploration
• Tools of Stratigraphy
– Correlation
• Outcrops and Well Logs
• Reflection Seismic
• Paleontology
• Magnetics and Geochemistry
• Radiomentric Dating