
Steve Lindaas PhD

(Arduino) Robotics


We will build and program mobile devices using micro-computers as the control interface. This course introduces you to what is behind plug-n-play robotic systems like LEGO Mindstorm. You will gain experience in engineering, electronics, soldering and computer programming as you explore robotics.

College for Kids
  Make Resources and HINTs [Helpful Intentionally Nuanced Tidbits]
Make 00 - Maker Journal ** Check if you need to install programs. **

Download and install the Fritzing and Arduino programs. These are very useful tools for designing, documenting and programming your robot. [ These programs are free. However, the developers encourage donations so they can continue to work on these projects ].

Make 01 - Light Circuits HINT: breadboard and schematic diagrams for connecting breadboard and lightbulb (modeled as a resistor)


  Crimp Tool Information Guide: How to use a crimper tool
Make 02 - LED Circuits

Diode Model: Water analogy
HINT: breadboard and schematic diagrams for LED circuit
HINT: breadboard and schematic diagrams for parallel LED circuit

Make 03 - Switch If you want to use the limit switch you will need to solder wire to it.
How to debounce your switch


  Soldering Information Guide: Weller Soldering Guide [Important Information]
Instructables (videos+): How to Solder and Different Solder Tips


Make 04 - Arduino Programming Arduino Programming Notebook Document
Programming Concepts Video Tutorial
Example Sketch: Blink (File > Open Examples > Basics). Note: In the Ardunio community your programs are referred to as sketches.


Make 05 - Transistor NPN NPN bipolar transistor model: Information and water analogy
JFET and MOSFET models
HINT: breadboard and schematic diagrams for a simple NPN transistor switch


Make 06 - Transistor PNP NPN bipolar transistor model: Information and water analogy
Video: Difference between NPN and PNP
JFET and MOSFET models
Hint: breadboard and schematic diagrams for a simple PNP transistor switch


Make 07 - Transistor Digital Tutorial: Debounce a switch input
Hint: breadboard and schematic diagrams for Arduino controlled NPN switch


Make 08 - Analog Control Read Soldering Information (above) before soldering
Tutorial: How a potentiometer works
Hint: breadboard and schematic diagrams for analog potentiometer interface

Make 09 - Digital Control Tutorial: PWM programming

Make 10 - Program I/O Tutorial: Read analog input (use to control PWM output) arduino serial
Example Sketch: modify Blink to use analog value to change blink rate or brightness
Hint: breadboard and schematic diagrams for Arduino potentiometer interface


Make 11 - Build Chasis Read Soldering Information (above) before soldering
Assembly instruction sheet [ example motor datasheet for similar motor/gearbox ]

Make12 - Motor Controller Tutorial: Hooking up motor controller (note signal control table)
Datasheet: SN754410 Quadruple Half-H Driver
Breadboard diagram for connecting one motor with example sketch. Switch is optional. Note: power supplied to Arduino and motor Vcc is different.


Make 13 - Sensor IR Tutorial: How to hook up IR sensor
Datasheet: IR Sensor (GP2Y0A21YK0F)
Hint: An example sketch to test the IR sensor using the serial monitor.

Make 14 - Sensor Ultrasonic Information: How an ultrasonic sensor works [optional hookup directions]
Tutorial: How to programming a ultrasonic sensor with an example sketch.


Make 15 - Servos Tutorial: Arduino Sweep and Single Servo examples

Make 16 - Speaker Tutorials: Arduino Melody and Play Melody examples
Sparkfun experiment: Using a piezo buzzer
Reference: Tone()

Auxilary Make Projects

Make 17 - Serial Communication Tutorial: Serial Input and serial read
Tutorial: Complete lesson on serial communication

Make 18 - Xbee Control Tutorial: Xbee shield hookup
Example Sketch: Xbee control


Make 19 - Xbee Control Quick Start Guide
Tutorial: Joystick assembly
Example Sketch: Joystick control (zip file)