Psy 430
Guidelines for Abstract and Method


Before submitting the ethics proposal, please be sure the following guidelines are implemented in your Abstract and Method sections.

The Abstract and Method sections must use future tense.

Abstract should convey:

Use descriptive names for groups (not control and experimental) and use the descriptive names consistently throughout the entire proposal.

Method section should include these subsections in this order:

Participants--Estimate approximately 30 per condition for between subjects manipulation. 
How recruited?
Any required characteristics? 
Last sentence should be: "All participants will be treated according to the ethical principles of the American Psychological Association (APA)."

Design--Name and describe the IV(s) and DV(s). 
Be sure to specify between-subjects or within-subjects for each IV. 
Provide the name of the design (not analysis).

Materials--Describe each material in detail and in the order participants will encounter them. Describe the things used, not the actions (procedure). 
Adapted from a source (provide reference) or experimenter constructed?
How/why was the material chosen?  Describe important controls.
After each description, refer the reader to a copy attached in Appendix ___.  Use Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. in the order of mention.

Procedure--Describe the chronological play-by-play of the data collection session.
Very brief mention of consent at beginning and debriefing at end.  Do NOT refer to consent and debriefing in an appendix in procedure or materials.
Use descriptive names for the groups. 
Last sentence should be: "The session should last approximately __ minutes."