Psy 633 Multiple Regression
Questions for Discussion

  1. In regression, an independent variable is called the _________ variable and the dependent variable is called the _________ variable.

  2. What is it called when more than one independent variable is used to predict the dependent variable?

  3. Describe the "least squares estimation" procedure.

  4. In specifying the regression equation, the constant represents the ___________ .  The regression coefficients represent the _______ for their particular variable. 

  5. Explain what a partial correlation is.

  6. 1-r2 = residual variance.  Explain.

  7. What is the easiest/most common way to reduce unexplained residual variability?

  8. How many variables should one include in a regression equation?

  9. What is multicollinearity?  Why is this a problem in multiple regression?

  10. What is the difference between hierarchical and stepwise regression?