Web Sites

This page will lead you to web sites of interest to the CHEM429 course. I intend to add new links as I find them. The links will change with time and therefore visit this page out as often as you can. Some sites may take a longer time to load depending on the location and traffic at the site. Be patient. Patience is a virtue.

On line Tools Colby College
Spectral Database for Organic Compounds National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Elemental Composition Calculator v1.0  University of Utah Health Sciences Center
MolE - Molecular Mass Calculator v2.02  University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Mass Spec Software Tools - from SIS Scientific Instrument Services
NIST Chemistry Web Book National Institute Science and Technology
Orange Book
Compendium of Chemical Terminology IUPAC
Specktroskopie Tools Postdam University
Silesian University of Technology (Poland) and the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Sponsored by Chemexper

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