Laboratory Exercises

  1. Fitting Functions to Data. Data File for part 4 Fityk data.xls * Flash
  2. Determination of Van Deemter Equation Constants. GCMS Operating Instructions * Flash
  3. Enthalpy of Vaporization of Toluene by Gas Chromatography (adapted from H. R. Ellison, J. Chem. Educ,. 82, 1086-1088, 2005) * Flash
  4. The Kinetics of the Methanolysis of diethyl malonate: Determination of rate constants of a pseudo two step consecutive reaction. ** Flash
  5. HPLC Analysis of alpha and beta Acids in Hops, HPLC Operating Instructions (adapted from T. M. Danenhower et. al., J. Chem. Educ.. 85, 954-956, 2008) ** Flash
  6. Determination of the Purity of a Sample of Potassium Pyrosulfate by Conductimetric Titration. ** Flash
  7. Amperometric titrations. ** Flash
  8. Quantification Halides and the Estimation of the Solubility Products of AgI and AgCl by Potentiometry ** Flash
  9. Analysis of Caffeine by Isotopic Dilution Using Mass Spectroscopy ** Flash
  10. Differential pulse polarography (Ferrocene) and Square Wave Voltammetry (Ferrocene).**
  11. Cyclic Voltammetry (Potassium ferrocyanide) and Anodic stripping voltametry. Determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II). .**
  12. Determination of pKa - NMR spectroscopy (adapted from Alan D. Gift, * Sarah M. Stewart, and Patrick Kwete Bokashanga, J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 1458-1460) *

    * all groups
    ** cycle

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