Members of the Spring 2003 section of MSUM American Studies 317: The Midwest are, left to right: (bottom row) Sarah Beauregard, Maureen Reed, Amber Boyd, Raúl Fernández
(middle row) Kristi Hilton, Jindallay Simons, Vusalya Azizova, Robyn Beutler, Jackie Hockett, Kimberly Harper, Yahye Sharif
(top row) Dawn Westrum, Kayla Soper, Mickey Matti, James Sander, Jorrie Rarick, Keith Johnson, Trevor Cook Not pictured: Brittany Daley, Truman Douglas
Vusa Bentley
Major: American Studies
Hometown: Baku, Azerbaijan
Sarah Beauregard
Major: Business Administration
Hometown: Morris, Minnesota
Robyn Beutler
Major: American Studies, History
Hometown: Watford City, North Dakota
Amber Boyd
Major: American Studies, History
Hometown: Bismark, North Dakota
Trevor Cook
Major: American Studies
Hometown: Stephen, Minnesota
Brittany Daley
Major: English
Hometown: Alvarado, Minnesota
L. Truman Douglas
Major: Pre-Law, Communications Studies
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Raúl Fernández
Major: American Studies
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Kimberly Harper
Major: Elementary Education
Hometown: Duluth, Minnesota
Kristi Hilton
Major: American Studies
Hometown: Moorhead, Minnesota
Jacqueline Hockett
Major: Social Studies, Education
Hometown: Frazee, Minnesota
Keith Johnson
Major: Technical Management
Hometown: Lake Park, Minnesota
Mickey Matti
Major: Social Studies, Secondary Education
Hometown: Perham, Minnesota
Jorrie Rarick
Major: Social Studies, Education
Hometown: Cold Spring, Minnesota
James Sander
Major: American Studies, Sociology
Hometown: Fargo, North Dakota
Yahye Sharif
Major: Graphic Communications
Hometown: Afmadow, Somalia
Jindally Simmons
Major: American Studies (minor in Mass Communications)
Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska
Kayla Soper
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Devils Lake, North Dakota
Dawn Westrum
Major: Anthropology
Hometown: Lake Park, Minnesota