Philosophy 304
I expect much of this to serve as reminder to you, and I take my cues for this discussion from Weinberg, chapter one.
- Plato
- The Forms: (cf. Timaeus and Republic)
- impermanent world of sight and sound
- the need for ideal patterns
- allegory of the sun
- allegory of the cave
- soul as Form
- The doctrine of Reminiscence: (cf. Meno and Phaedo)
- sense experience cannot provide knowledge
- knowledge, then, must be due to remembering (for we can have certain knowledge)
- The divine Architect: (cf. Timaeus)
- created things according to the Forms
- selfless benevolence
- need for preexisting stuff (the notion of change)
- Aristotle
- rejection of independently existing forms
- causes resemble their effects
- actuality and potentiality
- 4 notions of cause:
- material
- formal
- efficient
- final
- no infinite regress, so there must be a first cause, which must act through final causation
- need for substratum (again; think Plato's doctrine that there must be preexisting stuff)
- science is possible, thus Reminiscence can be done away with (with immortal soul)
- Neo-Platonists
- emanation of all that is
- (The Good/One → Mind (unity of the Forms) → World-Soul → individual souls & physical world)
- yearning to rejoin the One
- individual souls rejoin through love and knowledge
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Last updated: January 22, 2002