
Philosophy 408/590

Spring 2005

Instructor: Philip M. Mouch Where: MacLean 308
Office: Bridges 359c When: T 6:30-9:00
Office Phone: 236-2331 Office Hours: M: 1-3, T: 12-5; F: 1-4
E-Mail: and by appointment


Course Overview: Metaphysics is the study of the nature of things. This is, as one might imagine, a fairly broad topic and is typically understood to include many different issues and questions. In this class we will focus on just three of the different questions that contemporary Metaphysics addresses: free will, personal identity, and time. Each topic raises questions of its own, but we will also find that each topic also overlaps with the others.


Texts and Reading Assignments: There are three required texts for this course:

I will be making reading assignments as we go along (I will try to give you assignments a couple of weeks ahead of time). Roughly, I expect to spend five weeks on each topic.


Evaluation: Each student is expected to have completed the reading for the day and come to class prepared to discuss it. Every student will give two presentations over the course of the semester. Prior to the presentation (at least 2 hours before the class that night), the student presenting will turn in a 4-6 page paper which will analyze and evaluate the article being presented to the class. These papers will each constitute 25% of your final grade. In addition, there will be a final research paper (roughly 10-12 pages) which will constitute the other half of your grade. Further, frequent absences or repeatedly being unprepared for class will be reflected negatively in your grade.


(1) Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any failure to properly cite a source your use in your paper will result in a failing grade for that paper, and possibly failing the course and/or reporting the incident to the Student Conduct Committee. If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, please come talk to me.

(2) You are responsible for all assignments to be handed in. Excuses for an assignment not being handed it such as you handed in the paper to my mailbox, slid it under my door, or gave it to a friend to hand in are unacceptable. I will take assignments placed in my mailbox, but if the assignment never shows up for whatever reason, it will count as late.

(3) Please respect others in the class. If someone else is presenting or talking, give them your attention. Whispering to your neighbor, sleeping, or reading is disruptive and rude. ALSO, PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELPHONES AND PAGERS.

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