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(Introduction) Welcome to Introduction of Mathematics, Math 102. 

(Four Topics) This course is an introduction to four topics in mathematics: sets, logic, counting and probability, and statistics. Behind each of these topics will be an underlining theme of problem solving. In the first section of the book, you will be discussing and forming methods for attacking and solving problems. Take these to heart that will help in much of the course.

(Course Resources) Please use the resources that are available for this course.
       Work the exercises in the book.
       Read the book.
       Watch these online videos.
       Get help from student tutors. Student tutors can be very beneficial as well as getting help from other students.
       Get help from your course instructor. If the office hours of the course instructor do not match yours, discuss with your instructor as to another time you could meet.
       Attend class. Class attendance is probably the most important and has the best correlation to student success.
       Take the D2L self-assessment quizzes.
       Form study groups and work with other students. In the real world problems are often solved in teams. Working with other students where you can discuss problems with them is very beneficial. They will have good ideas that may help you and just by verbalizing your ideas may help yourself.

(Summary) Please enjoy the course and do well in the class.

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